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van Rooij FJA, Qayyum R, Smith AV, Zhou Y, Trompet S, Tanaka T, Keller MF, Chang L-C, Schmidt H, Yang M-L, et al. Genome-wide Trans-ethnic Meta-analysis Identifies Seven Genetic Loci Influencing Erythrocyte Traits and a Role for RBPMS in Erythropoiesis. Am J Hum Genet. 2017 ;100(1):51-63.
Irvin MR, Sitlani CM, Noordam R, Avery CL, Bis JC, Floyd JS, Li J, Limdi NA, Srinivasasainagendra V, Stewart J, et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis of SNP-by9-ACEI/ARB and SNP-by-thiazide diuretic and effect on serum potassium in cohorts of European and African ancestry. Pharmacogenomics J. 2018 .
Noordam R, Sitlani CM, Avery CL, Stewart JD, Gogarten SM, Wiggins KL, Trompet S, Warren HR, Sun F, Evans DS, et al. A genome-wide interaction analysis of tricyclic/tetracyclic antidepressants and RR and QT intervals: a pharmacogenomics study from the Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) consortium. J Med Genet. 2017 ;54(5):313-323.
Carr DF, Francis B, Jorgensen AL, Zhang E, Chinoy H, Heckbert SR, Bis JC, Brody JA, Floyd JS, Psaty BM, et al. Genomewide Association Study of Statin-Induced Myopathy in Patients Recruited Using the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2019 ;106(6):1353-1361.
Irvin MR, Sitlani CM, Floyd JS, Psaty BM, Bis JC, Wiggins KL, Whitsel EA, Stürmer T, Stewart J, Raffield L, et al. Genome-Wide Association Study of Apparent Treatment-Resistant Hypertension in the CHARGE Consortium: The CHARGE Pharmacogenetics Working Group. Am J Hypertens. 2019 ;32(12):1146-1153.
Suzuki K, Hatzikotoulas K, Southam L, Taylor HJ, Yin X, Lorenz KM, Mandla R, Huerta-Chagoya A, Melloni GEM, Kanoni S, et al. Genetic drivers of heterogeneity in type 2 diabetes pathophysiology. Nature. 2024 .
Hodonsky CJo, Schurmann C, Schick UM, Kocarnik J, Tao R, van Rooij FJa, Wassel C, Buyske S, Fornage M, Hindorff LA, et al. Generalization and fine mapping of red blood cell trait genetic associations to multi-ethnic populations: The PAGE Study. Am J Hematol. 2018 .
Fuentes Lde Las, Schwander KL, Brown MR, Bentley AR, Winkler TW, Sung YJu, Munroe PB, Miller CL, Aschard H, Aslibekyan S, et al. Gene-educational attainment interactions in a multi-population genome-wide meta-analysis identify novel lipid loci. Front Genet. 2023 ;14:1235337.
