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Do R, Willer CJ, Schmidt EM, Sengupta S, Gao C, Peloso GM, Gustafsson S, Kanoni S, Ganna A, Chen J, et al. Common variants associated with plasma triglycerides and risk for coronary artery disease. Nat Genet. 2013 ;45(11):1345-52.
Willer CJ, Schmidt EM, Sengupta S, Peloso GM, Gustafsson S, Kanoni S, Ganna A, Chen J, Buchkovich ML, Mora S, et al. Discovery and refinement of loci associated with lipid levels. Nat Genet. 2013 ;45(11):1274-1283.
Hek K, Demirkan A, Lahti J, Terracciano A, Teumer A, Cornelis MC, Amin N, Bakshis E, Baumert J, Ding J, et al. A genome-wide association study of depressive symptoms. Biol Psychiatry. 2013 ;73(7):667-78.
Berndt SI, Gustafsson S, Mägi R, Ganna A, Wheeler E, Feitosa MF, Justice AE, Monda KL, Croteau-Chonka DC, Day FR, et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 11 new loci for anthropometric traits and provides insights into genetic architecture. Nat Genet. 2013 ;45(5):501-12.
Williams FMK, Carter AM, Hysi PG, Surdulescu G, Hodgkiss D, Soranzo N, Traylor M, Bevan S, Dichgans M, Rothwell PMW, et al. Ischemic stroke is associated with the ABO locus: the EuroCLOT study. Ann Neurol. 2013 ;73(1):16-31.
Porcu E, Medici M, Pistis G, Volpato CB, Wilson SG, Cappola AR, Bos SD, Deelen J, Heijer Mden, Freathy RM, et al. A meta-analysis of thyroid-related traits reveals novel loci and gender-specific differences in the regulation of thyroid function. PLoS Genet. 2013 ;9(2):e1003266.
Sabater-Lleal M, Huang J, Chasman D, Naitza S, Dehghan A, Johnson AD, Teumer A, Reiner AP, Folkersen L, Basu S, et al. Multiethnic meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in >100 000 subjects identifies 23 fibrinogen-associated Loci but no strong evidence of a causal association between circulating fibrinogen and cardiovascular disease. Circulation. 2013 ;128(12):1310-24.
