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Filters: Author is Haritunians, Talin and Keyword is Humans  [Clear All Filters]
Grove ML, Yu B, Cochran BJ, Haritunians T, Bis JC, Taylor KD, Hansen M, Borecki IB, Cupples AL, Fornage M, et al. Best practices and joint calling of the HumanExome BeadChip: the CHARGE Consortium. PLoS One. 2013 ;8(7):e68095.
Li X, Bykhovskaya Y, Canedo ALaura Caia, Haritunians T, Siscovick D, Aldave AJ, Szczotka-Flynn L, Iyengar SK, Rotter JI, Taylor KD, et al. Genetic association of COL5A1 variants in keratoconus patients suggests a complex connection between corneal thinning and keratoconus. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2013 ;54(4):2696-704.
Liu C-T, Monda KL, Taylor KC, Lange L, Demerath EW, Palmas W, Wojczynski MK, Ellis JC, Vitolins MZ, Liu S, et al. Genome-wide association of body fat distribution in African ancestry populations suggests new loci. PLoS Genet. 2013 ;9(8):e1003681.
Monda KL, Chen GK, Taylor KC, Palmer C, Edwards TL, Lange LA, C Y Ng M, Adeyemo AA, Allison MA, Bielak LF, et al. A meta-analysis identifies new loci associated with body mass index in individuals of African ancestry. Nat Genet. 2013 ;45(6):690-6.
Sabater-Lleal M, Huang J, Chasman D, Naitza S, Dehghan A, Johnson AD, Teumer A, Reiner AP, Folkersen L, Basu S, et al. Multiethnic meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in >100 000 subjects identifies 23 fibrinogen-associated Loci but no strong evidence of a causal association between circulating fibrinogen and cardiovascular disease. Circulation. 2013 ;128(12):1310-24.
Randall JC, Winkler TW, Kutalik Z, Berndt SI, Jackson AU, Monda KL, Kilpeläinen TO, Esko T, Mägi R, Li S, et al. Sex-stratified genome-wide association studies including 270,000 individuals show sexual dimorphism in genetic loci for anthropometric traits. PLoS Genet. 2013 ;9(6):e1003500.
