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Journal Article
O'Leary DH, Polak JF, Kronmal RA, Savage PJ, Borhani NO, Kittner SJ, Tracy R, Gardin JM, Price TR, Furberg CD. Thickening of the carotid wall. A marker for atherosclerosis in the elderly? Cardiovascular Health Study Collaborative Research Group. Stroke. 1996 ;27(2):224-31.
Psaty BM, Savage PJ, Tell GS, Polak JF, Hirsch CH, Gardin JM, McDonald RH. Temporal patterns of antihypertensive medication use among elderly patients. The Cardiovascular Health Study. JAMA. 1993 ;270(15):1837-41.
Kuller LH, Shemanski L, Psaty BM, Borhani NO, Gardin J, Haan MN, O'Leary DH, Savage PJ, Tell GS, Tracy R. Subclinical disease as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Circulation. 1995 ;92(4):720-6.
Polak JF, O'Leary DH, Kronmal RA, Wolfson SK, Bond MG, Tracy RP, Gardin JM, Kittner SJ, Price TR, Savage PJ. Sonographic evaluation of carotid artery atherosclerosis in the elderly: relationship of disease severity to stroke and transient ischemic attack. Radiology. 1993 ;188(2):363-70.
Tell GS, Polak JF, Ward BJ, Kittner SJ, Savage PJ, Robbins J. Relation of smoking with carotid artery wall thickness and stenosis in older adults. The Cardiovascular Health Study. The Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) Collaborative Research Group. Circulation. 1994 ;90(6):2905-8.
Barzilay JI, Spiekerman CF, Kuller LH, Burke GL, Bittner V, Gottdiener JS, Brancati FL, Orchard TJ, O'Leary DH, Savage PJ. Prevalence of clinical and isolated subclinical cardiovascular disease in older adults with glucose disorders: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Diabetes Care. 2001 ;24(7):1233-9.
Schoen RE, Tangen CM, Kuller LH, Burke GL, Cushman M, Tracy RP, Dobs A, Savage PJ. Increased blood glucose and insulin, body size, and incident colorectal cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1999 ;91(13):1147-54.
Polak JF, Shemanski L, O'Leary DH, Lefkowitz D, Price TR, Savage PJ, Brant WE, Reid C. Hypoechoic plaque at US of the carotid artery: an independent risk factor for incident stroke in adults aged 65 years or older. Cardiovascular Health Study. Radiology. 1998 ;208(3):649-54.
Tracy RP, Bovill EG, Yanez D, Psaty BM, Fried LP, Heiss G, Lee M, Polak JF, Savage PJ. Fibrinogen and factor VIII, but not factor VII, are associated with measures of subclinical cardiovascular disease in the elderly. Results from The Cardiovascular Health Study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1995 ;15(9):1269-79.
Kumanyika S, Tell GS, Shemanski L, Polak J, Savage PJ. Eating patterns of community-dwelling older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Ann Epidemiol. 1994 ;4(5):404-15.
Tracy RP, Bovill EG, Fried LP, Heiss G, Lee MH, Polak JF, Psaty BM, Savage PJ. The distribution of coagulation factors VII and VIII and fibrinogen in adults over 65 years. Results from the Cardiovascular Health Study. Ann Epidemiol. 1992 ;2(4):509-19.
O'Leary DH, Polak JF, Kronmal RA, Kittner SJ, Bond MG, Wolfson SK, Bommer W, Price TR, Gardin JM, Savage PJ. Distribution and correlates of sonographically detected carotid artery disease in the Cardiovascular Health Study. The CHS Collaborative Research Group. Stroke. 1992 ;23(12):1752-60.
Kuller LH, Velentgas P, Barzilay J, Beauchamp NJ, O'Leary DH, Savage PJ. Diabetes mellitus: subclinical cardiovascular disease and risk of incident cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2000 ;20(3):823-9.
Lee M, Gardin JM, Lynch JC, Smith VE, Tracy RP, Savage PJ, Szklo M, Ward BJ. Diabetes mellitus and echocardiographic left ventricular function in free-living elderly men and women: The Cardiovascular Health Study. Am Heart J. 1997 ;133(1):36-43.
Wahl PW, Savage PJ, Psaty BM, Orchard TJ, Robbins JA, Tracy RP. Diabetes in older adults: comparison of 1997 American Diabetes Association classification of diabetes mellitus with 1985 WHO classification. Lancet. 1998 ;352(9133):1012-5.
Polak JF, Kronmal RA, Tell GS, O'Leary DH, Savage PJ, Gardin JM, Rutan GH, Borhani NO. Compensatory increase in common carotid artery diameter. Relation to blood pressure and artery intima-media thickness in older adults. Cardiovascular Health Study. Stroke. 1996 ;27(11):2012-5.
Harris TB, Savage PJ, Tell GS, Haan M, Kumanyika S, Lynch JC. Carrying the burden of cardiovascular risk in old age: associations of weight and weight change with prevalent cardiovascular disease, risk factors, and health status in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 1997 ;66(4):837-44.
Barzilay JI, Spiekerman CF, Wahl PW, Kuller LH, Cushman M, Furberg CD, Dobs A, Polak JF, Savage PJ. Cardiovascular disease in older adults with glucose disorders: comparison of American Diabetes Association criteria for diabetes mellitus with WHO criteria. Lancet. 1999 ;354(9179):622-5.
Cushman M, Yanez D, Psaty BM, Fried LP, Heiss G, Lee M, Polak JF, Savage PJ, Tracy RP. Association of fibrinogen and coagulation factors VII and VIII with cardiovascular risk factors in the elderly: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Cardiovascular Health Study Investigators. Am J Epidemiol. 1996 ;143(7):665-76.
Psaty BM, Furberg CD, Kuller LH, Cushman M, Savage PJ, Levine D, O'Leary DH, Bryan RN, Anderson M, Lumley T. Association between blood pressure level and the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, and total mortality: the cardiovascular health study. Arch Intern Med. 2001 ;161(9):1183-92.
Psaty BM, Lee M, Savage PJ, Rutan GH, German PS, Lyles M. Assessing the use of medications in the elderly: methods and initial experience in the Cardiovascular Health Study. The Cardiovascular Health Study Collaborative Research Group. J Clin Epidemiol. 1992 ;45(6):683-92.
Smith NL, Heckbert SR, Bittner VA, Savage PJ, Barzilay JI, Dobs AS, Psaty BM. Antidiabetic treatment trends in a cohort of elderly people with diabetes. The cardiovascular health study, 1989-1997. Diabetes Care. 1999 ;22(5):736-42.