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Rosano C, Brach J, Studenski S, Longstreth WT, Newman AB. Gait variability is associated with subclinical brain vascular abnormalities in high-functioning older adults. Neuroepidemiology. 2007 ;29(3-4):193-200.
Kestenbaum B, Rudser KD, Shlipak MG, Fried LF, Newman AB, Katz R, Sarnak MJ, Seliger S, Stehman-Breen C, Prineas R, et al. Kidney function, electrocardiographic findings, and cardiovascular events among older adults. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2007 ;2(3):501-8.
Diehr P, Derleth A, Newman AB, Cai L. The number of sick persons in a cohort. Research on Aging. 2007 ;29.
Rosano C, Aizenstein HJ, Studenski S, Newman AB. A regions-of-interest volumetric analysis of mobility limitations in community-dwelling older adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2007 ;62(9):1048-55.
Chonchol M, Shlipak MG, Katz R, Sarnak MJ, Newman AB, Siscovick DS, Kestenbaum B, Carney JKirk, Fried LF. Relationship of uric acid with progression of kidney disease. Am J Kidney Dis. 2007 ;50(2):239-47.
Nordstrom CK, Roux AVDiez, Schulz R, Haan MN, Jackson SA, Balfour JL. Socioeconomic position and incident mobility impairment in the Cardiovascular Health Study. BMC Geriatr. 2007 ;7:11.
Reiner AP, Carlson CS, Jenny NS, J Durda P, Siscovick DS, Nickerson DA, Tracy RP. USF1 gene variants, cardiovascular risk, and mortality in European Americans: analysis of two US cohort studies. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2007 ;27(12):2736-42.
Kuller LH, Arnold AM, Longstreth WT, Manolio TA, O'Leary DH, Burke GL, Fried LP, Newman AB. White matter grade and ventricular volume on brain MRI as markers of longevity in the cardiovascular health study. Neurobiol Aging. 2007 ;28(9):1307-15.
Barzilay JI, Forsberg C, Heckbert SR, Cushman M, Newman AB. The association of markers of inflammation with weight change in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2006 ;30(9):1362-7.
Mehra R, Benjamin EJ, Shahar E, Gottlieb DJ, Nawabit R, H Kirchner L, Sahadevan J, Redline S. Association of nocturnal arrhythmias with sleep-disordered breathing: The Sleep Heart Health Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2006 ;173(8):910-6.
Lange LA, Carlson CS, Hindorff LA, Lange EM, Walston J, J Durda P, Cushman M, Bis JC, Zeng D, Lin D, et al. Association of polymorphisms in the CRP gene with circulating C-reactive protein levels and cardiovascular events. JAMA. 2006 ;296(22):2703-11.
Hirsch C, Anderson ML, Newman A, Kop W, Jackson S, Gottdiener J, Tracy R, Fried LP. The association of race with frailty: the cardiovascular health study. Ann Epidemiol. 2006 ;16(7):545-53.
Gottlieb DJ, Redline S, F Nieto J, Baldwin CM, Newman AB, Resnick HE, Punjabi NM. Association of usual sleep duration with hypertension: the Sleep Heart Health Study. Sleep. 2006 ;29(8):1009-14.
Gottlieb DJ, Redline S, F Nieto J, Baldwin CM, Newman AB, Resnick HE, Punjabi NM. Association of usual sleep duration with hypertension: the Sleep Heart Health Study. Sleep. 2006 ;29(8):1009-14.
Barasch E, Gottdiener JS, Larsen EKMarino, Chaves PHM, Newman AB. Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in community-dwelling elderly individuals with calcification of the fibrous skeleton of the base of the heart and aortosclerosis (The Cardiovascular Health Study). Am J Cardiol. 2006 ;97(9):1281-6.
Barasch E, Gottdiener JS, Larsen EKMarino, Chaves PHM, Newman AB, Manolio TA. Clinical significance of calcification of the fibrous skeleton of the heart and aortosclerosis in community dwelling elderly. The Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS). Am Heart J. 2006 ;151(1):39-47.
Rautaharju PM, Ge S, Nelson JC, Larsen EKMarino, Psaty BM, Furberg CD, Zhang Z-M, Robbins J, Gottdiener JS, Chaves PHM. Comparison of mortality risk for electrocardiographic abnormalities in men and women with and without coronary heart disease (from the Cardiovascular Health Study). Am J Cardiol. 2006 ;97(3):309-15.
Sato R, Helzlsouer KJ, Comstock GW, Hoffman SC, Norkus EP, Fried LP. A cross-sectional study of vitamin C and cognitive function in older adults: the differential effects of gender. J Nutr Health Aging. 2006 ;10(1):37-44.
Shlipak MG, Katz R, Sarnak MJ, Fried LF, Newman AB, Stehman-Breen C, Seliger SL, Kestenbaum B, Psaty B, Tracy RP, et al. Cystatin C and prognosis for cardiovascular and kidney outcomes in elderly persons without chronic kidney disease. Ann Intern Med. 2006 ;145(4):237-46.
Elkins JS, Longstreth WT, Manolio TA, Newman AB, Bhadelia RA, Johnston SC. Education and the cognitive decline associated with MRI-defined brain infarct. Neurology. 2006 ;67(3):435-40.
El-Saed A, Kuller LH, Newman AB, Lopez O, Costantino J, McTigue K, Cushman M, Kronmal R. Factors associated with geographic variations in stroke incidence among older populations in four US communities. Stroke. 2006 ;37(8):1980-5.
El-Saed A, Kuller LH, Newman AB, Lopez O, Costantino J, McTigue K, Cushman M, Kronmal R. Geographic variations in stroke incidence and mortality among older populations in four US communities. Stroke. 2006 ;37(8):1975-9.
Fried LF, Shlipak MG, Stehman-Breen C, Mittalhenkle A, Seliger S, Sarnak M, Robbins J, Siscovick D, Harris TB, Newman AB, et al. Kidney function predicts the rate of bone loss in older individuals: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2006 ;61(7):743-8.
O'Hare AM, Katz R, Shlipak MG, Cushman M, Newman AB. Mortality and cardiovascular risk across the ankle-arm index spectrum: results from the Cardiovascular Health Study. Circulation. 2006 ;113(3):388-93.
Rosano C, Brach J, Longstreth WT, Newman AB. Quantitative measures of gait characteristics indicate prevalence of underlying subclinical structural brain abnormalities in high-functioning older adults. Neuroepidemiology. 2006 ;26(1):52-60.
