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Peloso GM, Auer PL, Bis JC, Voorman A, Morrison AC, Stitziel NO, Brody JA, Khetarpal SA, Crosby JR, Fornage M, et al. Association of low-frequency and rare coding-sequence variants with blood lipids and coronary heart disease in 56,000 whites and blacks. Am J Hum Genet. 2014 ;94(2):223-32.
Simino J, Shi G, Bis JC, Chasman DI, Ehret GB, Gu X, Guo X, Hwang S-J, Sijbrands E, Smith AV, et al. Gene-age interactions in blood pressure regulation: a large-scale investigation with the CHARGE, Global BPgen, and ICBP Consortia. Am J Hum Genet. 2014 ;95(1):24-38.
Loth DW, Artigas MSoler, Gharib SA, Wain LV, Franceschini N, Koch B, Pottinger TD, Smith AVernon, Duan Q, Oldmeadow C, et al. Genome-wide association analysis identifies six new loci associated with forced vital capacity. Nat Genet. 2014 ;46(7):669-77.
Malik R, Bevan S, Nalls MA, Holliday EG, Devan WJ, Cheng Y-C, Ibrahim-Verbaas CA, Verhaaren BFJ, Bis JC, Joon AY, et al. Multilocus genetic risk score associates with ischemic stroke in case-control and prospective cohort studies. Stroke. 2014 ;45(2):394-402.
Ibrahim-Verbaas CA, Fornage M, Bis JC, Choi SHoan, Psaty BM, Meigs JB, Rao M, Nalls M, Fontes JD, O'Donnell CJ, et al. Predicting stroke through genetic risk functions: the CHARGE Risk Score Project. Stroke. 2014 ;45(2):403-12.
Ellinor PT, Lunetta KL, Glazer NL, Pfeufer A, Alonso A, Chung MK, Sinner MF, de Bakker PIW, Mueller M, Lubitz SA, et al. Common variants in KCNN3 are associated with lone atrial fibrillation. Nat Genet. 2010 ;42(3):240-4.
M Ikram K, Sim X, Xueling S, Jensen RA, Cotch MFrances, Hewitt AW, Ikram AM, Wang JJin, Klein R, Klein BEK, et al. Four novel Loci (19q13, 6q24, 12q24, and 5q14) influence the microcirculation in vivo. PLoS Genet. 2010 ;6(10):e1001184.
Eijgelsheim M, Newton-Cheh C, Sotoodehnia N, de Bakker PIW, Müller M, Morrison AC, Smith AV, Isaacs A, Sanna S, Dörr M, et al. Genome-wide association analysis identifies multiple loci related to resting heart rate. Hum Mol Genet. 2010 ;19(19):3885-94.
Debette S, Bis JC, Fornage M, Schmidt H, Ikram AM, Sigurdsson S, Heiss G, Struchalin M, Smith AV, van der Lugt A, et al. Genome-wide association studies of MRI-defined brain infarcts: meta-analysis from the CHARGE Consortium. Stroke. 2010 ;41(2):210-7.
Pfeufer A, van Noord C, Marciante KD, Arking DE, Larson MG, Smith AVernon, Tarasov KV, Müller M, Sotoodehnia N, Sinner MF, et al. Genome-wide association study of PR interval. Nat Genet. 2010 ;42(2):153-9.
Newman AB, Walter S, Lunetta KL, Garcia ME, P Slagboom E, Christensen K, Arnold AM, Aspelund T, Aulchenko YS, Benjamin EJ, et al. A meta-analysis of four genome-wide association studies of survival to age 90 years or older: the Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology Consortium. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2010 ;65(5):478-87.
Köttgen A, Pattaro C, Böger CA, Fuchsberger C, Olden M, Glazer NL, Parsa A, Gao X, Yang Q, Smith AV, et al. New loci associated with kidney function and chronic kidney disease. Nat Genet. 2010 ;42(5):376-84.
Schnabel RB, Aspelund T, Li G, Sullivan LM, Suchy-Dicey A, Harris TB, Pencina MJ, D'Agostino RB, Levy D, Kannel WB, et al. Validation of an atrial fibrillation risk algorithm in whites and African Americans. Arch Intern Med. 2010 ;170(21):1909-17.