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Filters: Author is Djoussé, Luc and Keyword is Humans  [Clear All Filters]
Zhang L, Bartz TM, Santanasto A, Djoussé L, Mukamal KJ, Forman DE, Hirsch CH, Newman AB, Gottdiener JS, Kizer JR. Body Composition and Incident Heart Failure in Older Adults: Results From 2 Prospective Cohorts. J Am Heart Assoc. 2022 ;11(1):e023707.
Shitole SG, Biggs ML, Ix JH, Fretts AM, Tracy RP, Siscovick DS, Djoussé L, Mukamal KJ, Kizer JR. Fasting and Postload Nonesterified Fatty Acids and Glucose Dysregulation in Older Adults. Am J Epidemiol. 2022 ;191(7):1235-1247.
Shivakoti R, Biggs ML, Djoussé L, Durda PJon, Kizer JR, Psaty B, Reiner AP, Tracy RP, Siscovick D, Mukamal KJ. Intake and Sources of Dietary Fiber, Inflammation, and Cardiovascular Disease in Older US Adults. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 ;5(3):e225012.
Lamprea-Montealegre JA, Arnold AM, McClelland RL, Mukamal KJ, Djoussé L, Biggs ML, Siscovick DS, Tracy RP, Beisswenger PJ, Psaty BM, et al. Plasma Levels of Advanced Glycation Endproducts and Risk of Cardiovascular Events: Findings From 2 Prospective Cohorts. J Am Heart Assoc. 2022 ;11(15):e024012.
Murphy RA, Tintle N, Harris WS, Darvishian M, Marklund M, Virtanen JK, Hantunen S, de Mello VD, Tuomilehto J, Lindström J, et al. PUFA ω-3 and ω-6 biomarkers and sleep: a pooled analysis of cohort studies on behalf of the Fatty Acids and Outcomes Research Consortium (FORCE). Am J Clin Nutr. 2022 ;115(3):864-876.
