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Richard MA, Huan T, Ligthart S, Gondalia R, Jhun MA, Brody JA, Irvin MR, Marioni R, Shen J, Tsai P-C, et al. DNA Methylation Analysis Identifies Loci for Blood Pressure Regulation. Am J Hum Genet. 2017 ;101(6):888-902.
Liu DJ, Peloso GM, Yu H, Butterworth AS, Wang X, Mahajan A, Saleheen D, Emdin C, Alam D, Alves ACouto, et al. Exome-wide association study of plasma lipids in >300,000 individuals. Nat Genet. 2017 ;49(12):1758-1766.
Lam M, Trampush JW, Yu J, Knowles E, Davies G, Liewald DC, Starr JM, Djurovic S, Melle I, Sundet K, et al. Large-Scale Cognitive GWAS Meta-Analysis Reveals Tissue-Specific Neural Expression and Potential Nootropic Drug Targets. Cell Rep. 2017 ;21(9):2597-2613.
Kraja AT, Cook JP, Warren HR, Surendran P, Liu C, Evangelou E, Manning AK, Grarup N, Drenos F, Sim X, et al. New Blood Pressure-Associated Loci Identified in Meta-Analyses of 475 000 Individuals. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2017 ;10(5).
Wain LV, Vaez A, Jansen R, Joehanes R, van der Most PJ, A Erzurumluoglu M, O'Reilly PF, Cabrera CP, Warren HR, Rose LM, et al. Novel Blood Pressure Locus and Gene Discovery Using Genome-Wide Association Study and Expression Data Sets From Blood and the Kidney. Hypertension. 2017 .
Ward-Caviness CK, Huffman JE, Evertt K, Germain M, van Dongen J, W Hill D, Jhun MA, Brody JA, Ghanbari M, Du L, et al. DNA methylation age is associated with an altered hemostatic profile in a multi-ethnic meta-analysis. Blood. 2018 .
Jian X, Satizabal CL, Smith AV, Wittfeld K, Bis JC, Smith JA, Hsu F-C, Nho K, Hofer E, Hagenaars SP, et al. Exome Chip Analysis Identifies Low-Frequency and Rare Variants in for White Matter Hyperintensities on Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Stroke. 2018 .
Evangelou E, Warren HR, Mosen-Ansorena D, Mifsud B, Pazoki R, Gao H, Ntritsos G, Dimou N, Cabrera CP, Karaman I, et al. Genetic analysis of over 1 million people identifies 535 new loci associated with blood pressure traits. Nat Genet. 2018 ;50(10):1412-1425.
Ligthart S, Vaez A, Võsa U, Stathopoulou MG, de Vries PS, Prins BP, van der Most PJ, Tanaka T, Naderi E, Rose LM, et al. Genome Analyses of >200,000 Individuals Identify 58 Loci for Chronic Inflammation and Highlight Pathways that Link Inflammation and Complex Disorders. Am J Hum Genet. 2018 ;103(5):691-706.
Teumer A, Chaker L, Groeneweg S, Li Y, Di Munno C, Barbieri C, Schultheiss UT, Traglia M, Ahluwalia TS, Akiyama M, et al. Genome-wide analyses identify a role for SLC17A4 and AADAT in thyroid hormone regulation. Nat Commun. 2018 ;9(1):4455.
Sung YJ, Winkler TW, Fuentes Lde Las, Bentley AR, Brown MR, Kraja AT, Schwander K, Ntalla I, Guo X, Franceschini N, et al. A Large-Scale Multi-ancestry Genome-wide Study Accounting for Smoking Behavior Identifies Multiple Significant Loci for Blood Pressure. Am J Hum Genet. 2018 ;102(3):375-400.
Jackson VE, Latourelle JC, Wain LV, Smith AV, Grove ML, Bartz TM, Obeidat M'en, Province MA, Gao W, Qaiser B, et al. Meta-analysis of exome array data identifies six novel genetic loci for lung function. Wellcome Open Res. 2018 ;3:4.
Feitosa MF, Kraja AT, Chasman DI, Sung YJ, Winkler TW, Ntalla I, Guo X, Franceschini N, Cheng C-Y, Sim X, et al. Novel genetic associations for blood pressure identified via gene-alcohol interaction in up to 570K individuals across multiple ancestries. PLoS One. 2018 ;13(6):e0198166.
Davies G, Lam M, Harris SE, Trampush JW, Luciano M, W Hill D, Hagenaars SP, Ritchie SJ, Marioni RE, Fawns-Ritchie C, et al. Study of 300,486 individuals identifies 148 independent genetic loci influencing general cognitive function. Nat Commun. 2018 ;9(1):2098.
