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Bressler J, Davies G, Smith AV, Saba Y, Bis JC, Jian X, Hayward C, Yanek L, Smith JA, Mirza SS, et al. Association of low-frequency and rare coding variants with information processing speed. Transl Psychiatry. 2021 ;11(1):613.
Liu X, Longchamps RJ, Wiggins KL, Raffield LM, Bielak LF, Zhao W, Pitsillides A, Blackwell TW, Yao J, Guo X, et al. Association of mitochondrial DNA copy number with cardiometabolic diseases. Cell Genom. 2021 ;1(1).
Sofer T, Lee J, Kurniansyah N, Jain D, Laurie CA, Gogarten SM, Conomos MP, Heavner B, Hu Y, Kooperberg C, et al. BinomiRare: A robust test for association of a rare genetic variant with a binary outcome for mixed models and any case-control proportion. HGG Adv. 2021 ;2(3).
Graff M, Justice AE, Young KL, Marouli E, Zhang X, Fine RS, Lim E, Buchanan V, Rand K, Feitosa MF, et al. Discovery and fine-mapping of height loci via high-density imputation of GWASs in individuals of African ancestry. Am J Hum Genet. 2021 ;108(4):564-582.
Thibord F, Song C, Pattee J, Rodriguez BAT, Chen M-H, O'Donnell CJ, Kleber ME, Delgado GE, Guo X, Yao J, et al. FGL1 as a modulator of plasma D-dimer levels: Exome-wide marker analysis of plasma tPA, PAI-1, and D-dimer. J Thromb Haemost. 2021 .
Yang Y, Bartz TM, Brown MR, Guo X, Zilhão NR, Trompet S, Weiss S, Yao J, Brody JA, deFilippi CR, et al. Identification of Functional Genetic Determinants of Cardiac Troponin T and I in a Multiethnic Population and Causal Associations With Atrial Fibrillation. Circ Genom Precis Med. 2021 ;14(6):e003460.
Sun D, Richard M, Musani SK, Sung YJu, Winkler TW, Schwander K, Chai JFang, Guo X, Kilpeläinen TO, Vojinovic D, et al. Multi-Ancestry Genome-wide Association Study Accounting for Gene-Psychosocial Factor Interactions Identifies Novel Loci for Blood Pressure Traits. HGG Adv. 2021 ;2(1).
Wang H, Noordam R, Cade BE, Schwander K, Winkler TW, Lee J, Sung YJu, Bentley AR, Manning AK, Aschard H, et al. Multi-ancestry genome-wide gene-sleep interactions identify novel loci for blood pressure. Mol Psychiatry. 2021 .
Lu Y, Dimitrov L, Chen S-H, Bielak LF, Bis JC, Feitosa MF, Lu L, Kavousi M, Raffield LM, Smith AV, et al. Multiethnic Genome-Wide Association Study of Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes. Circ Genom Precis Med. 2021 ;14(4):e003258.
Taliun D, Harris DN, Kessler MD, Carlson J, Szpiech ZA, Torres R, Taliun SAGagliano, Corvelo A, Gogarten SM, Kang HMin, et al. Sequencing of 53,831 diverse genomes from the NHLBI TOPMed Program. Nature. 2021 ;590(7845):290-299.
Stilp AM, Emery LS, Broome JG, Buth EJ, Khan AT, Laurie CA, Wang FFei, Wong Q, Chen D, D'Augustine CM, et al. A System for Phenotype Harmonization in the NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Program. Am J Epidemiol. 2021 .
Lin BM, Grinde KE, Brody JA, Breeze CE, Raffield LM, Mychaleckyj JC, Thornton TA, Perry JA, Baier LJ, Fuentes Lde Las, et al. Whole genome sequence analyses of eGFR in 23,732 people representing multiple ancestries in the NHLBI trans-omics for precision medicine (TOPMed) consortium. EBioMedicine. 2021 ;63:103157.
Cade BE, Lee J, Sofer T, Wang H, Zhang M, Chen H, Gharib SA, Gottlieb DJ, Guo X, Lane JM, et al. Whole-genome association analyses of sleep-disordered breathing phenotypes in the NHLBI TOPMed program. Genome Med. 2021 ;13(1):136.
Fuentes Lde Las, Sung YJu, Noordam R, Winkler T, Feitosa MF, Schwander K, Bentley AR, Brown MR, Guo X, Manning A, et al. Gene-educational attainment interactions in a multi-ancestry genome-wide meta-analysis identify novel blood pressure loci. Mol Psychiatry. 2020 .
Hahn J, Fu Y-P, Brown MR, Bis JC, de Vries PS, Feitosa MF, Yanek LR, Weiss S, Giulianini F, Smith AVernon, et al. Genetic loci associated with prevalent and incident myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease in the Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Consortium. PLoS One. 2020 ;15(11):e0230035.
Yaghootkar H, Zhang Y, Spracklen CN, Karaderi T, Huang LOpal, Bradfield J, Schurmann C, Fine RS, Preuss MH, Kutalik Z, et al. Genetic Studies of Leptin Concentrations Implicate Leptin in the Regulation of Early Adiposity. Diabetes. 2020 .
Bick AG, Weinstock JS, Nandakumar SK, Fulco CP, Bao EL, Zekavat SM, Szeto MD, Liao X, Leventhal MJ, Nasser J, et al. Inherited causes of clonal haematopoiesis in 97,691 whole genomes. Nature. 2020 ;586(7831):763-768.
Ntalla I, Weng L-C, Cartwright JH, Hall AWeber, Sveinbjornsson G, Tucker NR, Choi SHoan, Chaffin MD, Roselli C, Barnes MR, et al. Multi-ancestry GWAS of the electrocardiographic PR interval identifies 202 loci underlying cardiac conduction. Nat Commun. 2020 ;11(1):2542.
Wang Z, Chen H, Bartz TM, Bielak LF, Chasman DI, Feitosa MF, Franceschini N, Guo X, Lim E, Noordam R, et al. Role of Rare and Low-Frequency Variants in Gene-Alcohol Interactions on Plasma Lipid Levels. Circ Genom Precis Med. 2020 ;13(4):e002772.
Zhao X, Qiao D, Yang C, Kasela S, Kim W, Ma Y, Shrine N, Batini C, Sofer T, Taliun SAGagliano, et al. Whole genome sequence analysis of pulmonary function and COPD in 19,996 multi-ethnic participants. Nat Commun. 2020 ;11(1):5182.
