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Lemaitre RN, Fretts AM, Sitlani CM, Biggs ML, Mukamal K, King IB, Song X, Djoussé L, Siscovick DS, McKnight B, et al. Plasma phospholipid very-long-chain saturated fatty acids and incident diabetes in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2015 ;101(5):1047-54.
Yu F, Lu J, Liu X, Gazave E, Chang D, Raj S, Hunter-Zinck H, Blekhman R, Arbiza L, Van Hout C, et al. Population genomic analysis of 962 whole genome sequences of humans reveals natural selection in non-coding regions. PLoS One. 2015 ;10(3):e0121644.
Flynn TJ, Cadzow M, Dalbeth N, Jones PB, Stamp LK, Hindmarsh JHarré, Todd AS, Walker RJ, Topless R, Merriman TR. Positive association of tomato consumption with serum urate: support for tomato consumption as an anecdotal trigger of gout flares. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2015 ;16:196.
Chatterjee R, Biggs ML, de Boer IH, Brancati FL, Svetkey LP, Barzilay J, Djoussé L, Ix JH, Kizer JR, Siscovick DS, et al. Potassium and glucose measures in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2015 ;70(2):255-61.
Parikh RH, Seliger SL, de Lemos J, Nambi V, Christenson R, Ayers C, Sun W, Gottdiener JS, Kuller LH, Ballantyne C, et al. Prognostic Significance of High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T Concentrations between the Limit of Blank and Limit of Detection in Community-Dwelling Adults: A Metaanalysis. Clin Chem. 2015 ;61(12):1524-31.
Ma W, H Y Wu J, Wang Q, Lemaitre RN, Mukamal KJ, Djoussé L, King IB, Song X, Biggs ML, Delaney JA, et al. Prospective association of fatty acids in the de novo lipogenesis pathway with risk of type 2 diabetes: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2015 ;101(1):153-63.
Folsom AR, Tang W, Roetker NS, Heckbert SR, Cushman M, Pankow JS. Prospective study of circulating factor XI and incident venous thromboembolism: The Longitudinal Investigation of Thromboembolism Etiology (LITE). Am J Hematol. 2015 ;90(11):1047-51.
Gijsberts CM, Groenewegen KA, Hoefer IE, Eijkemans MJC, Asselbergs FW, Anderson TJ, Britton AR, Dekker JM, Engström G, Evans GW, et al. Race/Ethnic Differences in the Associations of the Framingham Risk Factors with Carotid IMT and Cardiovascular Events. PLoS One. 2015 ;10(7):e0132321.
Auer PL, Nalls M, Meschia JF, Worrall BB, Longstreth WT, Seshadri S, Kooperberg C, Burger KM, Carlson CS, Carty CL, et al. Rare and Coding Region Genetic Variants Associated With Risk of Ischemic Stroke: The NHLBI Exome Sequence Project. JAMA Neurol. 2015 ;72(7):781-8.
Huffman JE, de Vries PS, Morrison AC, Sabater-Lleal M, Kacprowski T, Auer PL, Brody JA, Chasman DI, Chen M-H, Guo X, et al. Rare and low-frequency variants and their association with plasma levels of fibrinogen, FVII, FVIII, and vWF. Blood. 2015 ;126(11):e19-29.
Riverol M, Becker JT, Lopez OL, Raji CA, Thompson PM, Carmichael OT, H Gach M, Longstreth WT, Fried L, Tracy RP, et al. Relationship between Systemic and Cerebral Vascular Disease and Brain Structure Integrity in Normal Elderly Individuals. J Alzheimers Dis. 2015 ;44(1):319-28.
Khan H, Kunutsor S, Kalogeropoulos AP, Georgiopoulou VV, Newman AB, Harris TB, Bibbins-Domingo K, Kauhanen J, Gheorghiade M, Fonarow GC, et al. Resting heart rate and risk of incident heart failure: three prospective cohort studies and a systematic meta-analysis. J Am Heart Assoc. 2015 ;4(1):e001364.
Hussein AA, Bartz TM, Gottdiener JS, Sotoodehnia N, Heckbert SR, Lloyd-Jones D, Kizer JR, Christenson R, Wazni O, DeFilippi C. Serial measures of cardiac troponin T levels by a highly sensitive assay and incident atrial fibrillation in a prospective cohort of ambulatory older adults. Heart Rhythm. 2015 ;12(5):879-85.
Mehta T, Bůzková P, Sarnak MJ, Chonchol M, Cauley JA, Wallace E, Fink HA, Robbins J, Jalal D. Serum urate levels and the risk of hip fractures: data from the Cardiovascular Health Study. Metabolism. 2015 ;64(3):438-46.
Malik R, Freilinger T, Winsvold BS, Anttila V, Heiden JVander, Traylor M, de Vries B, Holliday EG, Terwindt GM, Sturm J, et al. Shared genetic basis for migraine and ischemic stroke: A genome-wide analysis of common variants. Neurology. 2015 ;84(21):2132-45.
Strand LBeate, Carnethon M, Biggs MLou, Djoussé L, Kaplan RC, Siscovick DS, Robbins JA, Redline S, Patel SR, Janszky I, et al. Sleep Disturbances and Glucose Metabolism in Older Adults: The Cardiovascular Health Study. Diabetes Care. 2015 ;38(11):2050-8.
Flatt JD, Rosso AL, Aizenstein HJ, Schulz R, Longstreth WT, Newman AB, Fowler NR, Rosano C. Social Network Size and Cranial Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in Older Adults: The Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2015 ;63(11):2430-2.
Chaker L, Baumgartner C, Elzen WPJ den, Ikram AM, Blum MR, Collet T-H, Bakker SJL, Dehghan A, Drechsler C, Luben RN, et al. Subclinical Hypothyroidism and the Risk of Stroke Events and Fatal Stroke: An Individual Participant Data Analysis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015 ;100(6):2181-91.
Blum MR, Bauer DC, Collet T-H, Fink HA, Cappola AR, da Costa BR, Wirth CD, Peeters RP, Asvold BO, Elzen WPJ den, et al. Subclinical thyroid dysfunction and fracture risk: a meta-analysis. JAMA. 2015 ;313(20):2055-65.
Cappola AR, Arnold AM, Wulczyn K, Carlson M, Robbins J, Psaty BM. Thyroid function in the euthyroid range and adverse outcomes in older adults. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015 ;100(3):1088-96.
Asvold BO, Vatten LJ, Bjøro T, Bauer DC, Bremner A, Cappola AR, Ceresini G, Elzen WPJ den, Ferrucci L, Franco OH, et al. Thyroid function within the normal range and risk of coronary heart disease: an individual participant data analysis of 14 cohorts. JAMA Intern Med. 2015 ;175(6):1037-47.
Garimella PS, Biggs ML, Katz R, Ix JH, Bennett MR, Devarajan P, Kestenbaum BR, Siscovick DS, Jensen MK, Shlipak MG, et al. Urinary uromodulin, kidney function, and cardiovascular disease in elderly adults. Kidney Int. 2015 ;88(5):1126-34.
Ix JH, Biggs ML, Mukamal K, Djoussé L, Siscovick D, Tracy R, Katz R, Delaney JA, Chaves P, Rifkin DE, et al. Urine Collagen Fragments and CKD Progression-The Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2015 ;26(10):2494-503.
Floyd JS, Sitlani CM, Wiggins KL, Wallace E, Suchy-Dicey A, Abbasi SA, Carnethon MR, Siscovick DS, Sotoodehnia N, Heckbert SR, et al. Variation in resting heart rate over 4 years and the risks of myocardial infarction and death among older adults. Heart. 2015 ;101(2):132-8.
Dukes JW, Dewland TA, Vittinghoff E, Mandyam MC, Heckbert SR, Siscovick DS, Stein PK, Psaty BM, Sotoodehnia N, Gottdiener JS, et al. Ventricular Ectopy as a Predictor of Heart Failure and Death. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2015 ;66(2):101-9.
