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Enright PL, McClelland RL, Buist AS, Lebowitz MD. Correlates of peak expiratory flow lability in elderly persons. Chest. 2001 ;120(6):1861-8.
Guidry UC, Mendes LA, Evans JC, Levy D, O'Connor GT, Larson MG, Gottlieb DJ, Benjamin EJ. Echocardiographic features of the right heart in sleep-disordered breathing: the Framingham Heart Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2001 ;164(6):933-8.
Herrington DM, Espeland MA, Crouse JR, Robertson J, Riley WA, McBurnie MA, Burke GL. Estrogen replacement and brachial artery flow-mediated vasodilation in older women. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2001 ;21(12):1955-61.
Burke GL, Arnold AM, Bild DE, Cushman M, Fried LP, Newman A, Nunn C, Robbins J. Factors associated with healthy aging: the cardiovascular health study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2001 ;49(3):254-62.
Fried LP, Tangen CM, Walston J, Newman AB, Hirsch C, Gottdiener J, Seeman T, Tracy R, Kop WJ, Burke G, et al. Frailty in older adults: evidence for a phenotype. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2001 ;56(3):M146-56.
Longstreth WT, Bernick C, Fitzpatrick A, Cushman M, Knepper L, Lima J, Furberg CD. Frequency and predictors of stroke death in 5,888 participants in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Neurology. 2001 ;56(3):368-75.
Brach JS, Berthold R, Craik R, VanSwearingen JM, Newman AB. Gait variability in community-dwelling older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2001 ;49(12):1646-50.
Carlson CL, Cushman M, Enright PL, Cauley JA, Newman AB. Hormone replacement therapy is associated with higher FEV1 in elderly women. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2001 ;163(2):423-8.
Fitzpatrick AL, Daling JR, Furberg CD, Kronmal RA, Weissfeld JL. Hypertension, heart rate, use of antihypertensives, and incident prostate cancer. Ann Epidemiol. 2001 ;11(8):534-42.
Kitzman DW, Gardin JM, Gottdiener JS, Arnold A, Boineau R, Aurigemma G, Marino EK, Lyles M, Cushman M, Enright PL. Importance of heart failure with preserved systolic function in patients > or = 65 years of age. CHS Research Group. Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Cardiol. 2001 ;87(4):413-9.
Jackson SA, Burke GL, Thach C, Cushman M, Ives D, Powe N, Manolio TA. Incidence and predictors of coronary heart disease among older African Americans--the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Natl Med Assoc. 2001 ;93(11):423-9.
Schulz R, Beach SR, Lind B, Martire LM, Zdaniuk B, Hirsch C, Jackson S, Burton L. Involvement in caregiving and adjustment to death of a spouse: findings from the caregiver health effects study. JAMA. 2001 ;285(24):3123-9.
Gardin JM, McClelland R, Kitzman D, Lima JA, Bommer W, Klopfenstein HS, Wong ND, Smith VE, Gottdiener J. M-mode echocardiographic predictors of six- to seven-year incidence of coronary heart disease, stroke, congestive heart failure, and mortality in an elderly cohort (the Cardiovascular Health Study). Am J Cardiol. 2001 ;87(9):1051-7.
Diehr P, Williamson J, Patrick DL, Bild DE, Burke GL. Patterns of self-rated health in older adults before and after sentinel health events. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2001 ;49(1):36-44.
Longstreth WT, Diehr P, Beauchamp NJ, Manolio TA. Patterns on cranial magnetic resonance imaging in elderly people and vascular disease outcomes. Arch Neurol. 2001 ;58(12):2074.
Cushman M, Psaty BM, Meilahn EN, Dobs AS, Kuller LH. Post-menopausal hormone therapy and concentrations of protein C and antithrombin in elderly women. Br J Haematol. 2001 ;114(1):162-8.
Aurigemma GP, Gottdiener JS, Shemanski L, Gardin J, Kitzman D. Predictive value of systolic and diastolic function for incident congestive heart failure in the elderly: the cardiovascular health study. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2001 ;37(4):1042-8.
Griffith KA, Sherrill DL, Siegel EM, Manolio TA, Bonekat HW, Enright PL. Predictors of loss of lung function in the elderly: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2001 ;163(1):61-8.
Barzilay JI, Spiekerman CF, Kuller LH, Burke GL, Bittner V, Gottdiener JS, Brancati FL, Orchard TJ, O'Leary DH, Savage PJ. Prevalence of clinical and isolated subclinical cardiovascular disease in older adults with glucose disorders: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Diabetes Care. 2001 ;24(7):1233-9.
Diehr P, Patrick DL. Probabilities of transition among health states for older adults. Qual Life Res. 2001 ;10(5):431-42.
de Simone G, McClelland R, Gottdiener JS, Celentano A, Kronmal RA, Gardin JM. Relation of hemodynamics and risk factors to ventricular-vascular interactions in the elderly: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Hypertens. 2001 ;19(10):1893-903.
Barzilay JI, Abraham L, Heckbert SR, Cushman M, Kuller LH, Resnick HE, Tracy RP. The relation of markers of inflammation to the development of glucose disorders in the elderly: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Diabetes. 2001 ;50(10):2384-9.
Newman AB, Nieto FJ, Guidry U, Lind BK, Redline S, Pickering TG, Quan SF. Relation of sleep-disordered breathing to cardiovascular disease risk factors: the Sleep Heart Health Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2001 ;154(1):50-9.
Kaplan RC, Heckbert SR, Koepsell TD, Furberg CD, Polak JF, Schoen RE, Psaty BM. Risk factors for hospitalized gastrointestinal bleeding among older persons. Cardiovascular Health Study Investigators. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2001 ;49(2):126-33.
Newman AB, Naydeck BL, Sutton-Tyrrell K, Polak JF, Kuller LH. The role of comorbidity in the assessment of intermittent claudication in older adults. J Clin Epidemiol. 2001 ;54(3):294-300.
