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Carmichael OT, Kuller LH, Lopez OL, Thompson PM, Dutton RA, Lu A, Lee SE, Lee JY, Aizenstein HJ, Meltzer CC, et al. Acceleration of cerebral ventricular expansion in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Neurobiol Aging. 2007 ;28(9):1316-21.
Longstreth W, Larsen EKMarino, Klein R, Wong TYin, A Sharrett R, Lefkowitz D, Manolio TA. Associations between findings on cranial magnetic resonance imaging and retinal photography in the elderly: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2007 ;165(1):78-84.
Carmichael OT, Kuller LH, Lopez OL, Thompson PM, Dutton RA, Lu A, Lee SE, Lee JY, Aizenstein HJ, Meltzer CC, et al. Cerebral ventricular changes associated with transitions between normal cognitive function, mild cognitive impairment, and dementia. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2007 ;21(1):14-24.
Rosano C, Aizenstein HJ, Wu M, Newman AB, Becker JT, Lopez OL, Kuller LH. Focal atrophy and cerebrovascular disease increase dementia risk among cognitively normal older adults. J Neuroimaging. 2007 ;17(2):148-55.
Rosano C, Brach J, Studenski S, Longstreth WT, Newman AB. Gait variability is associated with subclinical brain vascular abnormalities in high-functioning older adults. Neuroepidemiology. 2007 ;29(3-4):193-200.
Podewils LJ, Guallar E, Beauchamp N, Lyketsos CG, Kuller LH, Scheltens P. Physical activity and white matter lesion progression: assessment using MRI. Neurology. 2007 ;68(15):1223-6.
Rosano C, Aizenstein HJ, Studenski S, Newman AB. A regions-of-interest volumetric analysis of mobility limitations in community-dwelling older adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2007 ;62(9):1048-55.
Carmichael OT, Kuller LH, Lopez OL, Thompson PM, Dutton RA, Lu A, Lee SE, Lee JY, Aizenstein HJ, Meltzer CCidis, et al. Ventricular volume and dementia progression in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Neurobiol Aging. 2007 ;28(3):389-97.
Kuller LH, Arnold AM, Longstreth WT, Manolio TA, O'Leary DH, Burke GL, Fried LP, Newman AB. White matter grade and ventricular volume on brain MRI as markers of longevity in the cardiovascular health study. Neurobiol Aging. 2007 ;28(9):1307-15.
Dai W, Lopez OL, Carmichael OT, Becker JT, Kuller LH, H Gach M. Abnormal regional cerebral blood flow in cognitively normal elderly subjects with hypertension. Stroke. 2008 ;39(2):349-54.
Barzilay JI, Fitzpatrick AL, Luchsinger J, Yasar S, Bernick C, Jenny NS, Kuller LH. Albuminuria and dementia in the elderly: a community study. Am J Kidney Dis. 2008 ;52(2):216-26.
Inzitari M, Studenski S, Rosano C, Zakai NA, Longstreth WT, Cushman M, Newman AB. Anemia is associated with the progression of white matter disease in older adults with high blood pressure: the cardiovascular health study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2008 ;56(10):1867-72.
Steffens DC, Chung H, K Krishnan RR, Longstreth WT, Carlson M, Burke GL. Antidepressant treatment and worsening white matter on serial cranial magnetic resonance imaging in the elderly: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Stroke. 2008 ;39(3):857-62.
Fornage M, Y Chiang A, O'Meara ES, Psaty BM, Reiner AP, Siscovick DS, Tracy RP, Longstreth WT. Biomarkers of Inflammation and MRI-Defined Small Vessel Disease of the Brain: The Cardiovascular Health Study. Stroke. 2008 ;39(7):1952-9.
Virtanen JK, Siscovick DS, Longstreth WT, Kuller LH, Mozaffarian D. Fish consumption and risk of subclinical brain abnormalities on MRI in older adults. Neurology. 2008 ;71(6):439-46.
Lopez OL, Kuller LH, Mehta PD, Becker JT, Gach HM, Sweet RA, Chang YF, Tracy R, DeKosky ST. Plasma amyloid levels and the risk of AD in normal subjects in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Neurology. 2008 ;70(19):1664-71.
