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Nomination of Writing Group Members


Writing group assignments for all papers are initiated by the Writing Group Chair. Because CHS requires active participation from all coauthors, excessively large writing groups are not recommended.

During manuscript proposal review, the P&P and Steering Committees may also nominate additional authors who have been involved with the study, or who will contribute unique expertise to the paper. If the nominated authors agree to participate, the P&P Committee must formally approve their addition to the Writing Group.

Upon approval of a manuscript proposal, the P&P Committee will send the Writing Group an approval memo that includes a list of any additional author nominations. A copy of the memo will be forwarded to the nominated author(s) in order to initiate collaboration, and the list of coauthors on the CHS website will be updated. At this point it is the responsibility of the Writing Chair to follow-up with nominated author(s) by confirming their participation and to inform the P&P Coordinator whether or not the nominated author(s) have agreed to participate.

The P&P Committee will review all writing group nominations as part of its regular agenda.

NOTE: Use of adjudicated event data requires collaboration with a member of the CHS Events Committee.  Members are listed in the online CHS directory.  Use of non-adjudicated events data does not require Events Committee coauthorship. 


Related Links

General Guidelines for Writing Groups
Responsibilities of Writing Group Members
Withdrawal Policy and Modifying Writing Groups