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Sanders JL, Arnold AM, Boudreau RM, Hirsch CH, Kizer JR, Kaplan RC, Cappola AR, Cushman M, Jacob ME, Kritchevsky SB, et al. Association of biomarker and physiologic indices with mortality in older adults: Cardiovascular Health Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2018 .
de Boer RA, Nayor M, deFilippi CR, Enserro D, Bhambhani V, Kizer JR, Blaha MJ, Brouwers FP, Cushman M, Lima JAC, et al. Association of Cardiovascular Biomarkers With Incident Heart Failure With Preserved and Reduced Ejection Fraction. JAMA Cardiol. 2018 .
Garg PK, Bartz TM, Norby FL, Jorgensen NW, McClelland RL, Ballantyne CM, Chen LY, Gottdiener JS, Greenland P, Hoogeveen R, et al. Association of lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A and risk of incident atrial fibrillation: Findings from 3 cohorts. Am Heart J. 2018 ;197:62-69.
Savji N, Meijers WC, Bartz TM, Bhambhani V, Cushman M, Nayor M, Kizer JR, Sarma A, Blaha MJ, Gansevoort RT, et al. The Association of Obesity and Cardiometabolic Traits With Incident HFpEF and HFrEF. JACC Heart Fail. 2018 ;6(8):701-709.
Massera D, Biggs ML, Walker MD, Mukamal KJ, Ix JH, Djoussé L, Valderrábano RJ, Siscovick DS, Tracy RP, Xue XN, et al. Biochemical Markers of Bone Turnover and Risk of Incident Diabetes in Older Women: The Cardiovascular Health Study. Diabetes Care. 2018 ;41(9):1901-1908.
Mukamal KJ, Siscovick DS, de Boer IH, Ix JH, Kizer JR, Djoussé L, Fitzpatrick AL, Tracy RP, Boyko EJ, Kahn SE, et al. Metabolic Clusters and Outcomes in Older Adults: The Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2018 ;66(2):289-296.
Tsao CW, Lyass A, Enserro D, Larson MG, Ho JE, Kizer JR, Gottdiener JS, Psaty BM, Vasan RS. Temporal Trends in the Incidence of and Mortality Associated With Heart Failure With Preserved and Reduced Ejection Fraction. JACC Heart Fail. 2018 ;6(8):678-685.
Bodapati RK, Kizer JR, Kop WJ, Kamel H, Stein PK. Addition of 24-Hour Heart Rate Variability Parameters to the Cardiovascular Health Study Stroke Risk Score and Prediction of Incident Stroke: The Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Heart Assoc. 2017 ;6(7).
Fohtung RB, Brown DL, Koh WJH, Bartz TM, Carbone LD, Civitelli R, Stein PK, Chaves PHM, Kestenbaum BR, Kizer JR. Bone Mineral Density and Risk of Heart Failure in Older Adults: The Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Heart Assoc. 2017 ;6(3).
Jensen MK, Jensen RA, Mukamal KJ, Guo X, Yao J, Sun Q, Cornelis M, Liu Y, Chen M-H, Kizer JR, et al. Detection of genetic loci associated with plasma fetuin-A: A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies from the CHARGE Consortium. Hum Mol Genet. 2017 .
Mehta T, Bůzková P, Kizer JR, Djoussé L, Chonchol M, Mukamal KJ, Shlipak M, Ix JH, Jalal D. Higher plasma transforming growth factor (TGF)-β is associated with kidney disease in older community dwelling adults. BMC Nephrol. 2017 ;18(1):98.
Bhambhani V, Kizer JR, Lima JAC, van der Harst P, Bahrami H, Nayor M, de Filippi CR, Enserro D, Blaha MJ, Cushman M, et al. Predictors and outcomes of heart failure with mid-range ejection fraction. Eur J Heart Fail. 2017 .
Maurer MS, Koh WJH, Bartz TM, Vullaganti S, Barasch E, Gardin JM, Gottdiener JS, Psaty BM, Kizer JR. Relation of the Myocardial Contraction Fraction, as Calculated from M-Mode Echocardiography, With Incident Heart Failure, Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality (Results from the Cardiovascular Health Study). Am J Cardiol. 2017 ;119(6):923-928.
Massera D, Xu S, Bartz TM, Bortnick AE, Ix JH, Chonchol M, Owens DS, Barasch E, Gardin JM, Gottdiener JS, et al. Relationship of bone mineral density with valvular and annular calcification in community-dwelling older people: The Cardiovascular Health Study. Arch Osteoporos. 2017 ;12(1):52.
Ahiawodzi PD, Kerber RA, Taylor KC, Groves FD, O'Brien E, Ix JH, Kizer JR, Djoussé L, Tracy RP, Newman AB, et al. Sleep-disordered breathing is associated with higher carboxymethyllysine level in elderly women but not elderly men in the cardiovascular health study. Biomarkers. 2017 ;22(3-4):361-366.
Bortnick AE, Bartz TM, Ix JH, Chonchol M, Reiner A, Cushman M, Owens D, Barasch E, Siscovick DS, Gottdiener JS, et al. Association of inflammatory, lipid and mineral markers with cardiac calcification in older adults. Heart. 2016 .
Sanders JL, Arnold AM, Hirsch CH, Thielke SM, Kim D, Mukamal KJ, Kizer JR, Ix JH, Kaplan RC, Kritchevsky SB, et al. Effects of Disease Burden and Functional Adaptation on Morbidity and Mortality on Older Adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2016 ;64(6):1242-9.
Walford GA, Gustafsson S, Rybin D, Stančáková A, Chen H, Liu C-T, Hong J, Jensen RA, Rice K, Morris AP, et al. Genome-Wide Association Study of the Modified Stumvoll Insulin Sensitivity Index Identifies BCL2 and FAM19A2 as Novel Insulin Sensitivity Loci. Diabetes. 2016 ;65(10):3200-11.
Kaplan RC, Strizich G, Aneke-Nash C, Dominguez-Islas C, Bůzková P, Strickler H, Rohan T, Pollak M, Kuller L, Kizer JR, et al. Insulinlike growth factor binding protein-1 and ghrelin predict health outcomes among older adults: CHS cohort. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016 :jc20162779.
Brutsaert EF, Biggs ML, Delaney JA, Djoussé L, Gottdiener JS, Ix JH, Kim F, Mukamal KJ, Siscovick DS, Tracy RP, et al. Longitudinal assessment of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide and risk of diabetes in older adults: The cardiovascular health study. Metabolism. 2016 ;65(10):1489-97.
Karas MG, Yee LM, Biggs ML, Djoussé L, Mukamal KJ, Ix JH, Zieman SJ, Siscovick DS, Gottdiener JS, Rosenberg MA, et al. Measures of Body Size and Composition and Risk of Incident Atrial Fibrillation in Older People: The Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2016 ;183(11):998-1007.
Ho JE, Enserro D, Brouwers FP, Kizer JR, Shah SJ, Psaty BM, Bartz TM, Santhanakrishnan R, Lee DS, Chan C, et al. Predicting Heart Failure With Preserved and Reduced Ejection Fraction: The International Collaboration on Heart Failure Subtypes. Circ Heart Fail. 2016 ;9(6).
Brutsaert EF, Shitole S, Biggs MLou, Mukamal KJ, deBoer IH, Thacker EL, Barzilay JI, Djoussé L, Ix JH, Smith NL, et al. Relations of Postload and Fasting Glucose With Incident Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality Late in Life: The Cardiovascular Health Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2016 ;71(3):370-7.
Joyce KE, Biggs ML, Djoussé L, Ix JH, Kizer JR, Siscovick DS, Shores MM, Matsumoto AM, Mukamal KJ. Testosterone, Dihydrotestosterone, Sex Hormone Binding Globulin and Incident Diabetes among Older Men: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016 :jc20162623.
Newman AB, Sanders JL, Kizer JR, Boudreau RM, Odden MC, Hazzouri AZeki Al, Arnold AM. Trajectories of function and biomarkers with age: the CHS All Stars Study. Int J Epidemiol. 2016 .
