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Do AN, Zhao W, Baldridge AS, Raffield LM, Wiggins KL, Shah SJ, Aslibekyan S, Tiwari HK, Limdi N, Zhi D, et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis of SNP and antihypertensive medication interactions on left ventricular traits in African Americans. Mol Genet Genomic Med. 2019 ;7(10):e00788.
Noordam R, Sitlani CM, Avery CL, Stewart JD, Gogarten SM, Wiggins KL, Trompet S, Warren HR, Sun F, Evans DS, et al. A genome-wide interaction analysis of tricyclic/tetracyclic antidepressants and RR and QT intervals: a pharmacogenomics study from the Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) consortium. J Med Genet. 2017 ;54(5):313-323.
Sabater-Lleal M, Huffman JE, de Vries PS, Marten J, Mastrangelo MA, Song C, Pankratz N, Ward-Caviness CK, Yanek LR, Trompet S, et al. Genome-Wide Association Trans-Ethnic Meta-Analyses Identifies Novel Associations Regulating Coagulation Factor VIII and von Willebrand Factor Plasma Levels. Circulation. 2018 .
Carr DF, Francis B, Jorgensen AL, Zhang E, Chinoy H, Heckbert SR, Bis JC, Brody JA, Floyd JS, Psaty BM, et al. Genomewide Association Study of Statin-Induced Myopathy in Patients Recruited Using the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2019 ;106(6):1353-1361.
de Vries PS, Sabater-Lleal M, Huffman JE, Marten J, Song C, Pankratz N, Bartz TM, de Haan HG, Delgado GE, Eicher JD, et al. A genome-wide association study identifies new loci for factor VII and implicates factor VII in ischemic stroke etiology. Blood. 2019 ;133(9):967-977.
Napier MD, Franceschini N, Gondalia R, Stewart JD, Méndez-Giráldez R, Sitlani CM, Seyerle AA, Highland HM, Li Y, Wilhelmsen KC, et al. Genome-wide association study and meta-analysis identify loci associated with ventricular and supraventricular ectopy. Sci Rep. 2018 ;8(1):5675.
Minster RL, Sanders JL, Singh J, Kammerer CM, M Barmada M, Matteini AM, Zhang Q, Wojczynski MK, E Daw W, Brody JA, et al. Genome-Wide Association Study and Linkage Analysis of the Healthy Aging Index. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2015 ;70(8):1003-8.
Thériault S, Imboden M, Biggs ML, Austin TR, Aeschbacher S, Schaffner E, Brody JA, Bartz TM, Risch M, Grossmann K, et al. Genome-wide analyses identify as a susceptibility locus for premature atrial contraction frequency. iScience. 2022 ;25(10):105210.
van Leeuwen EM, Karssen LC, Deelen J, Isaacs A, Medina-Gómez C, Mbarek H, Kanterakis A, Trompet S, Postmus I, Verweij N, et al. Genome of The Netherlands population-specific imputations identify an ABCA6 variant associated with cholesterol levels. Nat Commun. 2015 ;6:6065.
Kunkle BW, Grenier-Boley B, Sims R, Bis JC, Damotte V, Naj AC, Boland A, Vronskaya M, van der Lee SJ, Amlie-Wolf A, et al. Genetic meta-analysis of diagnosed Alzheimer's disease identifies new risk loci and implicates Aβ, tau, immunity and lipid processing. Nat Genet. 2019 ;51(3):414-430.
Hahn J, Fu Y-P, Brown MR, Bis JC, de Vries PS, Feitosa MF, Yanek LR, Weiss S, Giulianini F, Smith AVernon, et al. Genetic loci associated with prevalent and incident myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease in the Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Consortium. PLoS One. 2020 ;15(11):e0230035.
Ruth KS, Day FR, Hussain J, Martínez-Marchal A, Aiken CE, Azad A, Thompson DJ, Knoblochova L, Abe H, Tarry-Adkins JL, et al. Genetic insights into biological mechanisms governing human ovarian ageing. Nature. 2021 ;596(7872):393-397.
Suzuki K, Hatzikotoulas K, Southam L, Taylor HJ, Yin X, Lorenz KM, Mandla R, Huerta-Chagoya A, Melloni GEM, Kanoni S, et al. Genetic drivers of heterogeneity in type 2 diabetes pathophysiology. Nature. 2024 .
Bihlmeyer NA, Brody JA, Smith AVernon, Lunetta KL, Nalls M, Smith JA, Tanaka T, Davies G, Yu L, Mirza SSaeed, et al. Genetic diversity is a predictor of mortality in humans. BMC Genet. 2014 ;15:159.
Weinstock JS, Laurie CA, Broome JG, Taylor KD, Guo X, Shuldiner AR, O'Connell JR, Lewis JP, Boerwinkle E, Barnes KC, et al. The genetic determinants of recurrent somatic mutations in 43,693 blood genomes. Sci Adv. 2023 ;9(17):eabm4945.
Weinstock JS, Chaudhry SA, Ioannou M, Viskadourou M, Reventun P, Jakubek YA, L Liggett A, Laurie C, Broome JG, Khan A, et al. The Genetic Determinants and Genomic Consequences of Non-Leukemogenic Somatic Point Mutations. medRxiv. 2024 .
Young WJ, Haessler J, Benjamins J-W, Repetto L, Yao J, Isaacs A, Harper AR, Ramirez J, Garnier S, Van Duijvenboden S, et al. Genetic architecture of spatial electrical biomarkers for cardiac arrhythmia and relationship with cardiovascular disease. Nat Commun. 2023 ;14(1):1411.
Fuentes Lde Las, Schwander KL, Brown MR, Bentley AR, Winkler TW, Sung YJu, Munroe PB, Miller CL, Aschard H, Aslibekyan S, et al. Gene-educational attainment interactions in a multi-population genome-wide meta-analysis identify novel lipid loci. Front Genet. 2023 ;14:1235337.
Fuentes Lde Las, Sung YJu, Noordam R, Winkler T, Feitosa MF, Schwander K, Bentley AR, Brown MR, Guo X, Manning A, et al. Gene-educational attainment interactions in a multi-ancestry genome-wide meta-analysis identify novel blood pressure loci. Mol Psychiatry. 2020 .
