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Murabito JM, White CC, Kavousi M, Sun YV, Feitosa MF, Nambi V, Lamina C, Schillert A, Coassin S, Bis JC, et al. Association between chromosome 9p21 variants and the ankle-brachial index identified by a meta-analysis of 21 genome-wide association studies. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2012 ;5(1):100-12.
Levin GP, Robinson-Cohen C, de Boer IH, Houston DK, Lohman K, Liu Y, Kritchevsky SB, Cauley JA, Tanaka T, Ferrucci L, et al. Genetic variants and associations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations with major clinical outcomes. JAMA. 2012 ;308(18):1898-905.
Pattaro C, Köttgen A, Teumer A, Garnaas M, Böger CA, Fuchsberger C, Olden M, Chen M-H, Tin A, Taliun D, et al. Genome-wide association and functional follow-up reveals new loci for kidney function. PLoS Genet. 2012 ;8(3):e1002584.
Huang J, Sabater-Lleal M, Asselbergs FW, Tregouet D, Shin S-Y, Ding J, Baumert J, Oudot-Mellakh T, Folkersen L, Johnson AD, et al. Genome-wide association study for circulating levels of PAI-1 provides novel insights into its regulation. Blood. 2012 ;120(24):4873-81.
Hancock DB, Artigas MSoler, Gharib SA, Henry A, Manichaikul A, Ramasamy A, Loth DW, Imboden M, Koch B, McArdle WL, et al. Genome-wide joint meta-analysis of SNP and SNP-by-smoking interaction identifies novel loci for pulmonary function. PLoS Genet. 2012 ;8(12):e1003098.
Ellinor PT, Lunetta KL, Albert CM, Glazer NL, Ritchie MD, Smith AV, Arking DE, Müller-Nurasyid M, Krijthe BP, Lubitz SA, et al. Meta-analysis identifies six new susceptibility loci for atrial fibrillation. Nat Genet. 2012 ;44(6):670-5.
Dastani Z, Hivert M-F, Timpson N, Perry JRB, Yuan X, Scott RA, Henneman P, Heid IM, Kizer JR, Lyytikäinen L-P, et al. Novel loci for adiponectin levels and their influence on type 2 diabetes and metabolic traits: a multi-ethnic meta-analysis of 45,891 individuals. PLoS Genet. 2012 ;8(3):e1002607.