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Evangelou E, Warren HR, Mosen-Ansorena D, Mifsud B, Pazoki R, Gao H, Ntritsos G, Dimou N, Cabrera CP, Karaman I, et al. Genetic analysis of over 1 million people identifies 535 new loci associated with blood pressure traits. Nat Genet. 2018 ;50(10):1412-1425.
Ligthart S, Vaez A, Võsa U, Stathopoulou MG, de Vries PS, Prins BP, van der Most PJ, Tanaka T, Naderi E, Rose LM, et al. Genome Analyses of >200,000 Individuals Identify 58 Loci for Chronic Inflammation and Highlight Pathways that Link Inflammation and Complex Disorders. Am J Hum Genet. 2018 ;103(5):691-706.
Vojinovic D, Adams HH, Jian X, Yang Q, Smith AVernon, Bis JC, Teumer A, Scholz M, Armstrong NJ, Hofer E, et al. Genome-wide association study of 23,500 individuals identifies 7 loci associated with brain ventricular volume. Nat Commun. 2018 ;9(1):3945.
Sabater-Lleal M, Huffman JE, de Vries PS, Marten J, Mastrangelo MA, Song C, Pankratz N, Ward-Caviness CK, Yanek LR, Trompet S, et al. Genome-Wide Association Trans-Ethnic Meta-Analyses Identifies Novel Associations Regulating Coagulation Factor VIII and von Willebrand Factor Plasma Levels. Circulation. 2018 .
Franceschini N, Giambartolomei C, de Vries PS, Finan C, Bis JC, Huntley RP, Lovering RC, Tajuddin SM, Winkler TW, Graff M, et al. GWAS and colocalization analyses implicate carotid intima-media thickness and carotid plaque loci in cardiovascular outcomes. Nat Commun. 2018 ;9(1):5141.
Sung YJ, Winkler TW, Fuentes Lde Las, Bentley AR, Brown MR, Kraja AT, Schwander K, Ntalla I, Guo X, Franceschini N, et al. A Large-Scale Multi-ancestry Genome-wide Study Accounting for Smoking Behavior Identifies Multiple Significant Loci for Blood Pressure. Am J Hum Genet. 2018 ;102(3):375-400.
Xu J, Bartz TM, Chittoor G, Eiriksdottir G, Manichaikul AW, Sun F, Terzikhan N, Zhou X, Booth SL, Brusselle GG, et al. Meta-analysis across Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) consortium provides evidence for an association of serum vitamin D with pulmonary function. Br J Nutr. 2018 :1-12.
Jackson VE, Latourelle JC, Wain LV, Smith AV, Grove ML, Bartz TM, Obeidat M'en, Province MA, Gao W, Qaiser B, et al. Meta-analysis of exome array data identifies six novel genetic loci for lung function. Wellcome Open Res. 2018 ;3:4.
Malik R, Chauhan G, Traylor M, Sargurupremraj M, Okada Y, Mishra A, Rutten-Jacobs L, Giese A-K, van der Laan SW, Gretarsdottir S, et al. Multiancestry genome-wide association study of 520,000 subjects identifies 32 loci associated with stroke and stroke subtypes. Nat Genet. 2018 ;50(4):524-537.
Malik R, Chauhan G, Traylor M, Sargurupremraj M, Okada Y, Mishra A, Rutten-Jacobs L, Giese A-K, van der Laan SW, Gretarsdottir S, et al. Multiancestry genome-wide association study of 520,000 subjects identifies 32 loci associated with stroke and stroke subtypes. Nat Genet. 2018 ;50(4):524-537.
Roselli C, Chaffin MD, Weng L-C, Aeschbacher S, Ahlberg G, Albert CM, Almgren P, Alonso A, Anderson CD, Aragam KG, et al. Multi-ethnic genome-wide association study for atrial fibrillation. Nat Genet. 2018 ;50(9):1225-1233.
Wyss AB, Sofer T, Lee MKyeong, Terzikhan N, Nguyen JN, Lahousse L, Latourelle JC, Smith AVernon, Bartz TM, Feitosa MF, et al. Multiethnic meta-analysis identifies ancestry-specific and cross-ancestry loci for pulmonary function. Nat Commun. 2018 ;9(1):2976.
Feitosa MF, Kraja AT, Chasman DI, Sung YJ, Winkler TW, Ntalla I, Guo X, Franceschini N, Cheng C-Y, Sim X, et al. Novel genetic associations for blood pressure identified via gene-alcohol interaction in up to 570K individuals across multiple ancestries. PLoS One. 2018 ;13(6):e0198166.
Xu J, Gaddis NC, Bartz TM, Hou R, Manichaikul AW, Pankratz N, Smith AV, Sun F, Terzikhan N, Markunas CA, et al. Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Genome-wide Interaction Analyses Reveal DPP10-Pulmonary Function Association. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2018 .
van Setten J, Brody JA, Jamshidi Y, Swenson BR, Butler AM, Campbell H, Del Greco FM, Evans DS, Gibson Q, Gudbjartsson DF, et al. PR interval genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies 50 loci associated with atrial and atrioventricular electrical activity. Nat Commun. 2018 ;9(1):2904.
Mahajan A, Wessel J, Willems SM, Zhao W, Robertson NR, Chu AY, Gan W, Kitajima H, Taliun D, N Rayner W, et al. Refining the accuracy of validated target identification through coding variant fine-mapping in type 2 diabetes. Nat Genet. 2018 ;50(4):559-571.
Davies G, Lam M, Harris SE, Trampush JW, Luciano M, W Hill D, Hagenaars SP, Ritchie SJ, Marioni RE, Fawns-Ritchie C, et al. Study of 300,486 individuals identifies 148 independent genetic loci influencing general cognitive function. Nat Commun. 2018 ;9(1):2098.
Hong J, Hatchell KE, Bradfield JP, Andrew B, Alessandra C, Chao-Qiang L, Langefeld CD, Lu L, Lu Y, Lutsey PL, et al. Trans-ethnic Evaluation Identifies Novel Low Frequency Loci Associated with 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018 .
Clark DW, Okada Y, Moore KHS, Mason D, Pirastu N, Gandin I, Mattsson H, Barnes CLK, Lin K, Zhao JH, et al. Associations of autozygosity with a broad range of human phenotypes. Nat Commun. 2019 ;10(1):4957.
Wuttke M, Li Y, Li M, Sieber KB, Feitosa MF, Gorski M, Tin A, Wang L, Chu AY, Hoppmann A, et al. A catalog of genetic loci associated with kidney function from analyses of a million individuals. Nat Genet. 2019 ;51(6):957-972.
Karasik D, Zillikens CM, Hsu Y-H, Aghdassi A, Åkesson K, Amin N, Barroso I, Bennett DA, Bertram L, Bochud M, et al. Disentangling the genetics of lean mass. Am J Clin Nutr. 2019 ;109(2):276-287.
Satizabal CL, Adams HHH, Hibar DP, White CC, Knol MJ, Stein JL, Scholz M, Sargurupremraj M, Jahanshad N, Roshchupkin GV, et al. Genetic architecture of subcortical brain structures in 38,851 individuals. Nat Genet. 2019 ;51(11):1624-1636.
de Vries PS, Brown MR, Bentley AR, Sung YJ, Winkler TW, Ntalla I, Schwander K, Kraja AT, Guo X, Franceschini N, et al. Multi-Ancestry Genome-Wide Association Study of Lipid Levels Incorporating Gene-Alcohol Interactions. Am J Epidemiol. 2019 .
Bentley AR, Sung YJ, Brown MR, Winkler TW, Kraja AT, Ntalla I, Schwander K, Chasman DI, Lim E, Deng X, et al. Multi-ancestry genome-wide gene-smoking interaction study of 387,272 individuals identifies new loci associated with serum lipids. Nat Genet. 2019 ;51(4):636-648.
Noordam R, Bos MM, Wang H, Winkler TW, Bentley AR, Kilpeläinen TO, de Vries PS, Sung YJu, Schwander K, Cade BE, et al. Multi-ancestry sleep-by-SNP interaction analysis in 126,926 individuals reveals lipid loci stratified by sleep duration. Nat Commun. 2019 ;10(1):5121.
