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Shlipak MG, Katz R, Kestenbaum B, Fried LF, Siscovick D, Sarnak MJ. Clinical and subclinical cardiovascular disease and kidney function decline in the elderly. Atherosclerosis. 2009 ;204(1):298-303.
Reiner AP, Gross MD, Carlson CS, Bielinski SJ, Lange LA, Fornage M, Jenny NS, Walston J, Tracy RP, O Williams D, et al. Common coding variants of the HNF1A gene are associated with multiple cardiovascular risk phenotypes in community-based samples of younger and older European-American adults: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Study and The Cardiovascula. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2009 ;2(3):244-54.
Anon. Correcting for multivariate measurement error by regression calibration in meta-analyses of epidemiological studies. Stat Med. 2009 ;28(7):1067-92.
Baker ML, Wang JJin, Rogers S, Klein R, Kuller LH, Larsen EK, Wong TYin. Early age-related macular degeneration, cognitive function, and dementia: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Arch Ophthalmol. 2009 ;127(5):667-73.
DiMartino LD, Hammill BG, Curtis LH, Gottdiener JS, Manolio TA, Powe NR, Schulman KA. External validity of the cardiovascular health study: a comparison with the Medicare population. Med Care. 2009 ;47(8):916-23.
Luke MM, O'Meara ES, Rowland CM, Shiffman D, Bare LA, Arellano AR, Longstreth WT, Lumley T, Rice K, Tracy RP, et al. Gene variants associated with ischemic stroke: the cardiovascular health study. Stroke. 2009 ;40(2):363-8.
Vasan RS, Glazer NL, Felix JF, Lieb W, Wild PS, Felix SB, Watzinger N, Larson MG, Smith NL, Dehghan A, et al. Genetic variants associated with cardiac structure and function: a meta-analysis and replication of genome-wide association data. JAMA. 2009 ;302(2):168-78.
Bis JC, Glazer NL, Psaty BM. Genome-wide association studies of cardiovascular risk factors: design, conduct and interpretation. J Thromb Haemost. 2009 ;7 Suppl 1:308-11.
Stein PK, Barzilay JI, Chaves PHM, Domitrovich PP, Gottdiener JS. Heart rate variability and its changes over 5 years in older adults. Age Ageing. 2009 ;38(2):212-8.
Patel SM, Ratcliffe SJ, Reilly MP, Weinstein R, Bhasin S, Blackman MR, Cauley JA, Sutton-Tyrrell K, Robbins J, Fried LP, et al. Higher serum testosterone concentration in older women is associated with insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 ;94(12):4776-84.
Walston JD, Matteini AM, Nievergelt C, Lange LA, Fallin DM, Barzilai N, Ziv E, Pawlikowska L, Kwok P, Cummings SR, et al. Inflammation and stress-related candidate genes, plasma interleukin-6 levels, and longevity in older adults. Exp Gerontol. 2009 ;44(5):350-5.
Newman AB, Arnold AM, Sachs MC, Ives DG, Cushman M, Strotmeyer ES, Ding J, Kritchevsky SB, Chaves PHM, Fried LP, et al. Long-term function in an older cohort--the cardiovascular health study all stars study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2009 ;57(3):432-40.
Pratt SR, Kuller L, Talbott EO, McHugh-Pemu K, Buhari AM, Xu X. Prevalence of hearing loss in Black and White elders: results of the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2009 ;52(4):973-89.
Shlipak MG, Katz R, Kestenbaum B, Siscovick D, Fried L, Newman A, Rifkin D, Sarnak MJ. Rapid decline of kidney function increases cardiovascular risk in the elderly. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2009 ;20(12):2625-30.
Endeshaw YW, Unruh ML, Kutner M, Newman AB, Bliwise DL. Sleep-disordered breathing and frailty in the Cardiovascular Health Study Cohort. Am J Epidemiol. 2009 ;170(2):193-202.
Schulz R, Beach SR, Hebert RS, Martire LM, Monin JK, Tompkins CA, Albert SM. Spousal suffering and partner's depression and cardiovascular disease: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2009 ;17(3):246-54.
Newman AB, Sachs MC, Arnold AM, Fried LP, Kronmal R, Cushman M, Psaty BM, Harris TB, Robbins JA, Burke GL, et al. Total and cause-specific mortality in the cardiovascular health study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2009 ;64(12):1251-61.
Cappola AR, O'Meara ES, Guo W, Bartz TM, Fried LP, Newman AB. Trajectories of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate predict mortality in older adults: the cardiovascular health study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2009 ;64(12):1268-74.
Arnold AM, Newman AB, Dermond N, Haan M, Fitzpatrick A. Using telephone and informant assessments to estimate missing Modified Mini-Mental State Exam scores and rates of cognitive decline. The cardiovascular health study. Neuroepidemiology. 2009 ;33(1):55-65.
Rifkin DE, Katz R, Chonchol M, Fried LF, Cao J, de Boer IH, Siscovick DS, Shlipak MG, Sarnak MJ. Albuminuria, impaired kidney function and cardiovascular outcomes or mortality in the elderly. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2010 ;25(5):1560-7.
Rifkin DE, Katz R, Fried LF, Kestenbaum B, Jenny NSwords, Newman AB, Siscovick DS, Shlipak MG, Sarnak MJ. Association between baseline kidney function and change in CRP: an analysis of the cardiovascular health study. Nephron Clin Pract. 2010 ;115(2):c114-21.
Kop WJ, Kuhl EA, Barasch E, Jenny NS, Gottlieb SS, Gottdiener JS. Association between depressive symptoms and fibrosis markers: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Brain Behav Immun. 2010 ;24(2):229-35.
deFilippi CR, de Lemos JA, Christenson RH, Gottdiener JS, Kop WJ, Zhan M, Seliger SL. Association of serial measures of cardiac troponin T using a sensitive assay with incident heart failure and cardiovascular mortality in older adults. JAMA. 2010 ;304(22):2494-502.
Pearce JD, Craven TE, Edwards MS, Corriere MA, Crutchley TA, Fleming SH, Hansen KJ. Associations between renal duplex parameters and adverse cardiovascular events in the elderly: a prospective cohort study. Am J Kidney Dis. 2010 ;55(2):281-90.
Kop WJ, Stein PK, Tracy RP, Barzilay JI, Schulz R, Gottdiener JS. Autonomic nervous system dysfunction and inflammation contribute to the increased cardiovascular mortality risk associated with depression. Psychosom Med. 2010 ;72(7):626-35.
