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Imamura F, Fretts A, Marklund M, Korat AVArdisson, Yang W-S, Lankinen M, Qureshi W, Helmer C, Chen T-A, Wong K, et al. Fatty acid biomarkers of dairy fat consumption and incidence of type 2 diabetes: A pooled analysis of prospective cohort studies. PLoS Med. 2018 ;15(10):e1002670.
Imamura F, Fretts AM, Marklund M, Korat AVArdisso, Yang WS, Lankinen M, Qureshi W, Helmer C, Chen TA, Virtanen JK, et al. {Fatty acids in the de novo lipogenesis pathway and incidence of type 2 diabetes: A pooled analysis of prospective cohort studies. PLoS Med. 2020 ;17:e1003102.
Imamura F, Mukamal KJ, Meigs JB, Luchsinger JA, Ix JH, Siscovick DS, Mozaffarian D. Risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus preceded by β-cell dysfunction, insulin resistance, or both in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2013 ;177(12):1418-29.
Imamura F, Lemaitre RN, King IB, Song X, Lichtenstein AH, Matthan NR, Herrington DM, Siscovick DS, Mozaffarian D. Novel circulating fatty acid patterns and risk of cardiovascular disease: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012 ;96(6):1252-61.
Imamura F, Lemaitre RN, King IB, Song X, Steffen LM, Folsom AR, Siscovick DS, Mozaffarian D. Long-chain monounsaturated Fatty acids and incidence of congestive heart failure in 2 prospective cohorts. Circulation. 2013 ;127(14):1512-21, 1521e1-18.
Inker LA, Grams ME, Levey AS, Coresh J, Cirillo M, Collins JF, Gansevoort RT, Gutierrez OM, Hamano T, Heine GH, et al. Relationship of Estimated GFR and Albuminuria to Concurrent Laboratory Abnormalities: An Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis in a Global Consortium. Am J Kidney Dis. 2018 .
Inker LA, Grams ME, Levey AS, Coresh J, Cirillo M, Collins JF, Gansevoort RT, Gutierrez OM, Hamano T, Heine GH, et al. {Relationship of Estimated GFR and Albuminuria to Concurrent Laboratory Abnormalities: An Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis in a Global Consortium. Am J Kidney Dis. 2019 ;73:206–217.
Ehret GB, Munroe PB, Rice KM, Bochud M, Johnson AD, Chasman DI, Smith AV, Tobin MD, Verwoert GC, Hwang S-J, et al. Genetic variants in novel pathways influence blood pressure and cardiovascular disease risk. Nature. 2011 ;478(7367):103-9.
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Inzitari M, Arnold AM, Patel KV, Mercer LD, Karlamangla A, Ding J, Psaty BM, Williamson JD, Kuller LH, Newman AB. Subclinical vascular disease burden and risk for death and cardiovascular events in older community dwellers. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2011 ;66(9):986-93.
Inzitari M, Naydeck BL, Newman AB. Coronary artery calcium and physical function in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008 ;63(10):1112-8.
Inzitari M, Studenski S, Rosano C, Zakai NA, Longstreth WT, Cushman M, Newman AB. Anemia is associated with the progression of white matter disease in older adults with high blood pressure: the cardiovascular health study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2008 ;56(10):1867-72.
Irie F, Fitzpatrick AL, Lopez OL, Kuller LH, Peila R, Newman AB, Launer LJ. Enhanced risk for Alzheimer disease in persons with type 2 diabetes and APOE epsilon4: the Cardiovascular Health Study Cognition Study. Arch Neurol. 2008 ;65(1):89-93.
Irvin MR, Sitlani CM, Floyd JS, Psaty BM, Bis JC, Wiggins KL, Whitsel EA, Sturmer T, Stewart J, Raffield L, et al. {Genome-Wide Association Study of Apparent Treatment-Resistant Hypertension in the CHARGE Consortium: The CHARGE Pharmacogenetics Working Group. Am J Hypertens. 2019 ;32:1146–1153.
Irvin MR, Sitlani CM, Floyd JS, Psaty BM, Bis JC, Wiggins KL, Whitsel EA, Stürmer T, Stewart J, Raffield L, et al. Genome-Wide Association Study of Apparent Treatment-Resistant Hypertension in the CHARGE Consortium: The CHARGE Pharmacogenetics Working Group. Am J Hypertens. 2019 ;32(12):1146-1153.
Irvin MR, Sitlani CM, Noordam R, Avery CL, Bis JC, Floyd JS, Li J, Limdi NA, Srinivasasainagendra V, Stewart J, et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis of SNP-by9-ACEI/ARB and SNP-by-thiazide diuretic and effect on serum potassium in cohorts of European and African ancestry. Pharmacogenomics J. 2018 .
Ives DG, Samuel P, Psaty BM, Kuller LH. Agreement between nosologist and cardiovascular health study review of deaths: implications of coding differences. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2009 ;57(1):133-9.
Ives DG, Fitzpatrick AL, Bild DE, Psaty BM, Kuller LH, Crowley PM, Cruise RG, Theroux S. Surveillance and ascertainment of cardiovascular events. The Cardiovascular Health Study. Ann Epidemiol. 1995 ;5(4):278-85.
Ix JH, Katz R, de Boer IH, Kestenbaum BR, Allison MA, Siscovick DS, Newman AB, Sarnak MJ, Shlipak MG, Criqui MH. Association of chronic kidney disease with the spectrum of ankle brachial index the CHS (Cardiovascular Health Study). J Am Coll Cardiol. 2009 ;54(13):1176-84.
Ix JH, Biggs ML, Mukamal KJ, Kizer JR, Zieman SJ, Siscovick DS, Mozzaffarian D, Jensen MK, Nelson L, Ruderman N, et al. Association of fetuin-a with incident diabetes mellitus in community-living older adults: the cardiovascular health study. Circulation. 2012 ;125(19):2316-22.
Ix JH, Katz R, Kestenbaum BR, de Boer IH, Chonchol M, Mukamal KJ, Rifkin D, Siscovick DS, Sarnak MJ, Shlipak MG. Fibroblast growth factor-23 and death, heart failure, and cardiovascular events in community-living individuals: CHS (Cardiovascular Health Study). J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012 ;60(3):200-7.
Ix JH, Biggs ML, Mukamal K, Djoussé L, Siscovick D, Tracy R, Katz R, Delaney JA, Chaves P, Rifkin DE, et al. Urine Collagen Fragments and CKD Progression-The Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2015 ;26(10):2494-503.
Ix JH, Biggs ML, Kizer JR, Mukamal KJ, Djoussé L, Zieman SJ, de Boer IH, Nelson TL, Newman AB, Criqui MH, et al. Association of body mass index with peripheral arterial disease in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2011 ;174(9):1036-43.
