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Kwon Y, Norby FL, Jensen PN, Agarwal SK, Soliman EZ, Lip GYH, Longstreth WT, Alonso A, Heckbert SR, Chen LY. Association of Smoking, Alcohol, and Obesity with Cardiovascular Death and Ischemic Stroke in Atrial Fibrillation: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study and Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS). PLoS One. 2016 ;11(1):e0147065.
Kwak SHeon, Hernandez-Cancela RB, DiCorpo DA, Condon DE, Merino J, Wu P, Brody JA, Yao J, Guo X, Ahmadizar F, et al. Time-to-Event Genome-Wide Association Study for Incident Cardiovascular Disease in People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. medRxiv. 2023 .
Kwak SHeon, Hernandez-Cancela RB, DiCorpo DA, Condon DE, Merino J, Wu P, Brody JA, Yao J, Guo X, Ahmadizar F, et al. Time-to-Event Genome-Wide Association Study for Incident Cardiovascular Disease in People With Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2024 .
Kuźma E, Soni M, Littlejohns TJ, Ranson JM, van Schoor NM, Deeg DJH, Comijs H, Chaves PHM, Kestenbaum BR, Kuller LH, et al. Vitamin D and Memory Decline: Two Population-Based Prospective Studies. J Alzheimers Dis. 2016 ;50(4):1099-108.
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Kurniansyah N, Goodman MO, Kelly TN, Elfassy T, Wiggins KL, Bis JC, Guo X, Palmas W, Taylor KD, Lin HJ, et al. A multi-ethnic polygenic risk score is associated with hypertension prevalence and progression throughout adulthood. Nat Commun. 2022 ;13(1):3549.
Kurniansyah N, Goodman MO, Khan AT, Wang J, Feofanova E, Bis JC, Wiggins KL, Huffman JE, Kelly T, Elfassy T, et al. Evaluating the use of blood pressure polygenic risk scores across race/ethnic background groups. Nat Commun. 2023 ;14(1):3202.
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