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Matteini AM, Tanaka T, Karasik D, Atzmon G, Chou W-C, Eicher JD, Johnson AD, Arnold AM, Callisaya ML, Davies G, et al. GWAS analysis of handgrip and lower body strength in older adults in the CHARGE consortium. Aging Cell. 2016 ;15(5):792-800.
Chaudhry SI, McAvay G, Ning Y, Allore HG, Newman AB, Gill TM. Geriatric impairments and disability: the cardiovascular health study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2010 ;58(9):1686-92.
El-Saed A, Kuller LH, Newman AB, Lopez O, Costantino J, McTigue K, Cushman M, Kronmal R. Geographic variations in stroke incidence and mortality among older populations in four US communities. Stroke. 2006 ;37(8):1975-9.
Teumer A, Qi Q, Nethander M, Aschard H, Bandinelli S, Beekman M, Berndt SI, Bidlingmaier M, Broer L, Cappola A, et al. Genomewide meta-analysis identifies loci associated with IGF-I and IGFBP-3 levels with impact on age-related traits. Aging Cell. 2016 ;15(5):811-24.
Perry JRB, Corre T, Esko T, Chasman DI, Fischer K, Franceschini N, He C, Kutalik Z, Mangino M, Rose LM, et al. A genome-wide association study of early menopause and the combined impact of identified variants. Hum Mol Genet. 2013 ;22(7):1465-72.
Hek K, Demirkan A, Lahti J, Terracciano A, Teumer A, Cornelis MC, Amin N, Bakshis E, Baumert J, Ding J, et al. A genome-wide association study of depressive symptoms. Biol Psychiatry. 2013 ;73(7):667-78.
Walter S, Atzmon G, Demerath EW, Garcia ME, Kaplan RC, Kumari M, Lunetta KL, Milaneschi Y, Tanaka T, Tranah GJ, et al. A genome-wide association study of aging. Neurobiol Aging. 2011 ;32(11):2109.e15-28.
Minster RL, Sanders JL, Singh J, Kammerer CM, M Barmada M, Matteini AM, Zhang Q, Wojczynski MK, E Daw W, Brody JA, et al. Genome-Wide Association Study and Linkage Analysis of the Healthy Aging Index. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2015 ;70(8):1003-8.
Rosano C, Brach J, Studenski S, Longstreth WT, Newman AB. Gait variability is associated with subclinical brain vascular abnormalities in high-functioning older adults. Neuroepidemiology. 2007 ;29(3-4):193-200.
Brach JS, Studenski SA, Perera S, VanSwearingen JM, Newman AB. Gait variability and the risk of incident mobility disability in community-dwelling older adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2007 ;62(9):983-8.
Perera S, Patel KV, Rosano C, Rubin SM, Satterfield S, Harris T, Ensrud K, Orwoll E, Lee CG, Chandler JM, et al. Gait Speed Predicts Incident Disability: A Pooled Analysis. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2016 ;71(1):63-71.
Studenski S, Perera S, Patel K, Rosano C, Faulkner K, Inzitari M, Brach J, Chandler J, Cawthon P, Connor EBarrett, et al. Gait speed and survival in older adults. JAMA. 2011 ;305(1):50-8.
Newman AB, Patel S, Kizer J, Lee S-J, Bhasin S, Cawthon P, LeBrasseur N, Tracy RP, Ganz P, Cummings S. Evaluation of Associations of Growth Differentiation Factor-11, Growth Differentiation Factor-8 and their Binding Proteins Follistatin and Follistatin-like protein-3 with Dementia and Cognition. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2023 .
Allison MA, Ho E, Denenberg JO, Langer RD, Newman AB, Fabsitz RR, Criqui MH. Ethnic-specific prevalence of peripheral arterial disease in the United States. Am J Prev Med. 2007 ;32(4):328-33.
Bellows BK, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Lloyd-Jones DM, Bress AP, King JB, Kolm P, Cushman WC, Johnson KC, Tamariz L, et al. Estimating Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial Participant Posttrial Survival Using Pooled Epidemiologic Cohort Data. J Am Heart Assoc. 2021 ;10(10):e020361.
Yende S, Alvarez K, Loehr L, Folsom AR, Newman AB, Weissfeld LA, Wunderink RG, Kritchevsky SB, Mukamal KJ, London SJ, et al. Epidemiology and long-term clinical and biologic risk factors for pneumonia in community-dwelling older Americans: analysis of three cohorts. Chest. 2013 ;144(3):1008-1017.
Irie F, Fitzpatrick AL, Lopez OL, Kuller LH, Peila R, Newman AB, Launer LJ. Enhanced risk for Alzheimer disease in persons with type 2 diabetes and APOE epsilon4: the Cardiovascular Health Study Cognition Study. Arch Neurol. 2008 ;65(1):89-93.
Sanders JL, Arnold AM, Hirsch CH, Thielke SM, Kim D, Mukamal KJ, Kizer JR, Ix JH, Kaplan RC, Kritchevsky SB, et al. Effects of Disease Burden and Functional Adaptation on Morbidity and Mortality on Older Adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2016 ;64(6):1242-9.
Diehr P, Derleth A, Cai L, Newman AB. The effect of different public health interventions on longevity, morbidity, and years of healthy life. BMC Public Health. 2007 ;7:52.
