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Winovich DThekkethal, Longstreth WT, Arnold AM, Varadhan R, Hazzouri AZeki Al, Cushman M, Newman AB, Odden MC. Factors Associated With Ischemic Stroke Survival and Recovery in Older Adults. Stroke. 2017 ;48(7):1818-1826.
Zaheer S, de Boer IH, Allison M, Brown JM, Psaty BM, Robinson-Cohen C, Michos ED, Ix JH, Kestenbaum B, Siscovick D, et al. Fibroblast Growth Factor 23, Mineral Metabolism, and Adiposity in Normal Kidney Function. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2017 ;102(4):1387-1395.
Sobrin L, Chong YHe, Fan Q, Gan A, Stanwyck LK, Kaidonis G, Craig JE, Kim J, Liao W-L, Huang Y-C, et al. Genetically Determined Plasma Lipid Levels and Risk of Diabetic Retinopathy: A Mendelian Randomization Study. Diabetes. 2017 ;66(12):3130-3141.
Mozaffarian D, Dashti HS, Wojczynski MK, Chu AY, Nettleton JA, Männistö S, Kristiansson K, Reedik M, Lahti J, Houston DK, et al. Genome-wide association meta-analysis of fish and EPA+DHA consumption in 17 US and European cohorts. PLoS One. 2017 ;12(12):e0186456.
Li C, Kim YKyoung, Dorajoo R, Li H, Lee I-T, Cheng C-Y, He M, Sheu WH-H, Guo X, Ganesh SK, et al. Genome-Wide Association Study Meta-Analysis of Long-Term Average Blood Pressure in East Asians. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2017 ;10(2):e001527.
Saber H, Yakoob MYawar, Shi P, Longstreth WT, Lemaitre RN, Siscovick D, Rexrode KM, Willett WC, Mozaffarian D. Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Incident Ischemic Stroke and Its Atherothrombotic and Cardioembolic Subtypes in 3 US Cohorts. Stroke. 2017 ;48(10):2678-2685.
Kao DP, Stevens LM, Hinterberg MA, Görg C. Phenotype-Specific Association of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms with Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction: a Genome-Wide Association Analysis of the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Cardiovasc Transl Res. 2017 ;10(3):285-294.
Mousas A, Ntritsos G, Chen M-H, Song C, Huffman JE, Tzoulaki I, Elliott P, Psaty BM, Auer PL, Johnson AD, et al. Rare coding variants pinpoint genes that control human hematological traits. PLoS Genet. 2017 ;13(8):e1006925.
Hägg S, Zhan Y, Karlsson R, Gerritsen L, Ploner A, van der Lee SJ, Broer L, Deelen J, Marioni RE, Wong A, et al. Short telomere length is associated with impaired cognitive performance in European ancestry cohorts. Transl Psychiatry. 2017 ;7(4):e1100.
Liang J, Le TH, Edwards DRVelez, Tayo BO, Gaulton KJ, Smith JA, Lu Y, Jensen RA, Chen G, Yanek LR, et al. Single-trait and multi-trait genome-wide association analyses identify novel loci for blood pressure in African-ancestry populations. PLoS Genet. 2017 ;13(5):e1006728.
Mukherjee S, Russell JC, Carr DT, Burgess JD, Allen M, Serie DJ, Boehme KL, Kauwe JSK, Naj AC, Fardo DW, et al. Systems biology approach to late-onset Alzheimer's disease genome-wide association study identifies novel candidate genes validated using brain expression data and Caenorhabditis elegans experiments. Alzheimers Dement. 2017 ;13(10):1133-1142.
Baumgartner C, da Costa BR, Collet T-H, Feller M, Floriani C, Bauer DC, Cappola AR, Heckbert SR, Ceresini G, Gussekloo J, et al. Thyroid Function Within the Normal Range, Subclinical Hypothyroidism, and the Risk of Atrial Fibrillation. Circulation. 2017 ;136(22):2100-2116.
Wu C, Shlipak MG, Stawski RS, Peralta CA, Psaty BM, Harris TB, Satterfield S, Shiroma EJ, Newman AB, Odden MC. Visit-to-Visit Blood Pressure Variability and Mortality and Cardiovascular Outcomes Among Older Adults: The Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study. Am J Hypertens. 2017 ;30(2):151-158.
Mukamal KJ, Tremaglio J, Friedman DJ, Ix JH, Kuller LH, Tracy RP, Pollak MR. APOL1 Genotype, Kidney and Cardiovascular Disease, and Death in Older Adults. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2016 ;36(2):398-403.
Kwon Y, Norby FL, Jensen PN, Agarwal SK, Soliman EZ, Lip GYH, Longstreth WT, Alonso A, Heckbert SR, Chen LY. Association of Smoking, Alcohol, and Obesity with Cardiovascular Death and Ischemic Stroke in Atrial Fibrillation: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study and Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS). PLoS One. 2016 ;11(1):e0147065.
Z Jiang G, de Boer IH, Mackey RH, Jensen MK, Lai M, Robson SC, Tracy R, Kuller LH, Mukamal KJ. Associations of insulin resistance, inflammation and liver synthetic function with very low-density lipoprotein: The Cardiovascular Health Study. Metabolism. 2016 ;65(3):92-9.
Fretts AM, Mozaffarian D, Siscovick DS, King IB, McKnight B, Psaty BM, Rimm EB, Sitlani C, Sacks FM, Song X, et al. Associations of Plasma Phospholipid SFAs with Total and Cause-Specific Mortality in Older Adults Differ According to SFA Chain Length. J Nutr. 2016 ;146(2):298-305.
Beben T, Ix JH, Shlipak MG, Sarnak MJ, Fried LF, Hoofnagle AN, Chonchol M, Kestenbaum BR, de Boer IH, Rifkin DE. Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 and Frailty in Elderly Community-Dwelling Individuals: The Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2016 ;64(2):270-6.
Perera S, Patel KV, Rosano C, Rubin SM, Satterfield S, Harris T, Ensrud K, Orwoll E, Lee CG, Chandler JM, et al. Gait Speed Predicts Incident Disability: A Pooled Analysis. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2016 ;71(1):63-71.
Bansal N, Katz R, Seliger S, DeFilippi C, Sarnak MJ, Delaney JA, Christenson R, de Boer IH, Kestenbaum B, Robinson-Cohen C, et al. Galectin-3 and Soluble ST2 and Kidney Function Decline in Older Adults: The Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS). Am J Kidney Dis. 2016 ;67(6):994-6.
Cheng Y-C, Stanne TM, Giese A-K, Ho WKee, Traylor M, Amouyel P, Holliday EG, Malik R, Xu H, Kittner SJ, et al. Genome-Wide Association Analysis of Young-Onset Stroke Identifies a Locus on Chromosome 10q25 Near HABP2. Stroke. 2016 ;47(2):307-16.
Dehghan A, Bis JC, White CC, Smith AVernon, Morrison AC, Cupples AL, Trompet S, Chasman DI, Lumley T, Völker U, et al. Genome-Wide Association Study for Incident Myocardial Infarction and Coronary Heart Disease in Prospective Cohort Studies: The CHARGE Consortium. PLoS One. 2016 ;11(3):e0144997.
Wallace ER, Siscovick DS, Sitlani CM, Dublin S, Mitchell PH, Odden MC, Hirsch CH, Thielke S, Heckbert SR. Incident Atrial Fibrillation and Disability-Free Survival in the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2016 ;64(4):838-43.
Garg PK, Arnold AM, Stukovsky KDHinckley, Koro C, Jenny NS, Mukamal KJ, Criqui MH, Furberg CD, Newman AB, Cushman M. Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase A2 and Incident Peripheral Arterial Disease in Older Adults: The Cardiovascular Health Study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2016 ;36(4):750-6.
Willeit P, Kaptoge S, Welsh P, Butterworth A, Chowdhury, iv R, Spackman S, Pennells L, Gao P, Burgess S, Freitag D, et al. Natriuretic peptides and integrated risk assessment for cardiovascular disease: an individual-participant-data meta-analysis. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2016 ;4(10):840-9.
