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Kop WJ, Stein PK, Tracy RP, Barzilay JI, Schulz R, Gottdiener JS. Autonomic nervous system dysfunction and inflammation contribute to the increased cardiovascular mortality risk associated with depression. Psychosom Med. 2010 ;72(7):626-35.
Lorenz MW, Abdi NAshtiani, Scheckenbach F, Pflug A, Bülbül A, Catapano AL, Agewall S, Ezhov M, Bots ML, Kiechl S, et al. Automatic identification of variables in epidemiological datasets using logic regression. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2017 ;17(1):40.
Al-Angari HM, Sahakian AV. Automated recognition of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome using support vector machine classifier. IEEE Trans Inf Technol Biomed. 2012 ;16(3):463-8.
Austin TR, Wiggins KL, Blackshear C, Yang Y, Benjamin EJ, Curtis LH, Sotoodehnia N, Correa A, Heckbert SR. Atrial fibrillation in an African-American cohort: The Jackson Heart Study. Clin Cardiol. 2018 .
Chen LY, Sotoodehnia N, Bůzková P, Lopez FL, Yee LM, Heckbert SR, Prineas R, Soliman EZ, Adabag S, Konety S, et al. Atrial fibrillation and the risk of sudden cardiac death: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study and cardiovascular health study. JAMA Intern Med. 2013 ;173(1):29-35.
Thacker EL, McKnight B, Psaty BM, Longstreth WT, Sitlani CM, Dublin S, Arnold AM, Fitzpatrick AL, Gottesman RF, Heckbert SR. Atrial fibrillation and cognitive decline: a longitudinal cohort study. Neurology. 2013 ;81(2):119-25.
Dewland TA, Vittinghoff E, Mandyam MC, Heckbert SR, Siscovick DS, Stein PK, Psaty BM, Sotoodehnia N, Gottdiener JS, Marcus GM. Atrial ectopy as a predictor of incident atrial fibrillation: a cohort study. Ann Intern Med. 2013 ;159(11):721-8.
Christensen MA, Nguyen KT, Stein PK, Fohtung RB, Soliman EZ, Dewland TA, Vittinghoff E, Psaty BM, Heckbert SR, Marcus GM. Atrial ectopy as a mediator of the association between race and atrial fibrillation. Heart Rhythm. 2017 ;14(12):1856-1861.
Kamel H, Bartz TM, Elkind MSV, Okin PM, Thacker EL, Patton KK, Stein PK, deFilippi CR, Gottesman RF, Heckbert SR, et al. Atrial Cardiopathy and the Risk of Ischemic Stroke in the CHS (Cardiovascular Health Study). Stroke. 2018 ;49(4):980-986.
Barzilay JI, Mukamal KJ, Kizer JR. Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in older adults with diabetes mellitus. Clin Geriatr Med. 2015 ;31(1):29-39, vii.
Longstreth WT, Shemanski L, Lefkowitz D, O'Leary DH, Polak JF, Wolfson SK. Asymptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis defined by ultrasound and the risk of subsequent stroke in the elderly. The Cardiovascular Health Study. Stroke. 1998 ;29(11):2371-6.
Enright PL, Ward BJ, Tracy RP, Lasser EC. Asthma and its association with cardiovascular disease in the elderly. The Cardiovascular Health Study Research Group. J Asthma. 1996 ;33(1):45-53.
Cade BE, Chen H, Stilp AM, Louie T, Ancoli-Israel S, Arens R, Barfield R, Below JE, Cai J, Conomos MP, et al. Associations of variants In the hexokinase 1 and interleukin 18 receptor regions with oxyhemoglobin saturation during sleep. PLoS Genet. 2019 ;15(4):e1007739.
Kizer JR, Benkeser D, Arnold AM, Mukamal KJ, Ix JH, Zieman SJ, Siscovick DS, Tracy RP, Mantzoros CS, deFilippi CR, et al. Associations of total and high-molecular-weight adiponectin with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in older persons: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Circulation. 2012 ;126(25):2951-61.
Newman AB, Gottdiener JS, McBurnie MA, Hirsch CH, Kop WJ, Tracy R, Walston JD, Fried LP. Associations of subclinical cardiovascular disease with frailty. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2001 ;56(3):M158-66.
Barzilay JI, Bůzková P, Cauley JA, Robbins JA, Fink HA, Mukamal KJ. The associations of subclinical atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease with hip fracture risk and bone mineral density in elderly adults. Osteoporos Int [Internet]. 2018 ;29(10):2230. Available from:
Robbins J, Redline S, Ervin A, Walsleben JA, Ding J, F Nieto J. Associations of sleep-disordered breathing and cerebral changes on MRI. J Clin Sleep Med. 2005 ;1(2):159-65.
Huang NK, Bůzková P, Matthan NR, Djoussé L, Hirsch CH, Kizer JR, Longstreth WT, Mukamal KJ, Lichtenstein AH. Associations of Serum Nonesterified Fatty Acids With Coronary Heart Disease Mortality and Nonfatal Myocardial Infarction: The CHS (Cardiovascular Health Study) Cohort. J Am Heart Assoc. 2021 ;10(6):e019135.
Webber K, Patel S, Kizer JR, Eastell R, Psaty BM, Newman AB, Cummings SR. Associations of Serum GDF-15 Levels with Physical Performance, Mobility Disability, Cognition, Cardiovascular Disease, and Mortality in Older Adults. medRxiv. 2024 .
Frenzel S, Bis JC, Gudmundsson EF, O'Donnell A, Simino J, Yaqub A, Bartz TM, Brusselle GGO, Bülow R, DeCarli CS, et al. Associations of Pulmonary Function with MRI Brain Volumes: A Coordinated Multi-Study Analysis. J Alzheimers Dis. 2022 .
