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Diehr P, Williamson J, Burke GL, Psaty BM. The aging and dying processes and the health of older adults. J Clin Epidemiol. 2002 ;55(3):269-78.
Steffens DC, K Krishnan RRama, Crump C, Burke GL. Cerebrovascular disease and evolution of depressive symptoms in the cardiovascular health study. Stroke. 2002 ;33(6):1636-44.
Hansen KJ, Edwards MS, Craven TE, Cherr GS, Jackson SA, Appel RG, Burke GL, Dean RH. Prevalence of renovascular disease in the elderly: a population-based study. J Vasc Surg. 2002 ;36(3):443-51.
Klein R, Marino EK, Kuller LH, Polak JF, Tracy RP, Gottdiener JS, Burke GL, Hubbard LD, Boineau R. The relation of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease to retinopathy in people with diabetes in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Br J Ophthalmol. 2002 ;86(1):84-90.
Newman AB, Naydeck BL, Sutton-Tyrrell K, Edmundowicz D, O'Leary D, Kronmal R, Burke GL, Kuller LH. Relationship between coronary artery calcification and other measures of subclinical cardiovascular disease in older adults. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2002 ;22(10):1674-9.
Lemaitre RN, Psaty BM, Heckbert SR, Kronmal RA, Newman AB, Burke GL. Therapy with hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme a reductase inhibitors (statins) and associated risk of incident cardiovascular events in older adults: evidence from the Cardiovascular Health Study. Arch Intern Med. 2002 ;162(12):1395-400.
Psaty BM, Manolio TA, Smith NL, Heckbert SR, Gottdiener JS, Burke GL, Weissfeld J, Enright P, Lumley T, Powe N, et al. Time trends in high blood pressure control and the use of antihypertensive medications in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Arch Intern Med. 2002 ;162(20):2325-32.
Barzilay JI, Kronmal RA, Gottdiener JS, Smith NL, Burke GL, Tracy R, Savage PJ, Carlson M. The association of fasting glucose levels with congestive heart failure in diabetic adults > or =65 years: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2004 ;43(12):2236-41.
Edwards MS, Hansen KJ, Craven TE, Bleyer AJ, Burke GL, Levy PJ, Dean RH. Associations between renovascular disease and prevalent cardiovascular disease in the elderly: a population-based study. Vasc Endovascular Surg. 2004 ;38(1):25-35.
Mozaffarian D, Psaty BM, Rimm EB, Lemaitre RN, Burke GL, Lyles MF, Lefkowitz D, Siscovick DS. Fish intake and risk of incident atrial fibrillation. Circulation. 2004 ;110(4):368-73.
Mozaffarian D, Fried LP, Burke GL, Fitzpatrick A, Siscovick DS. Lifestyles of older adults: can we influence cardiovascular risk in older adults?. Am J Geriatr Cardiol. 2004 ;13(3):153-60.
Hansen KJ, Wilson DB, Craven TE, Pearce JD, English WP, Edwards MS, Ayerdi J, Burke GL. Mesenteric artery disease in the elderly. J Vasc Surg. 2004 ;40(1):45-52.
Loehr LR, Espeland MA, Sutton-Tyrrell K, Burke GL, Crouse JR, Herrington DM. Racial differences in endothelial function in postmenopausal women. Am Heart J. 2004 ;148(4):606-11.
Kronmal RA, Barzilay JI, Tracy RP, Savage PJ, Orchard TJ, Burke GL. The relationship of fasting serum radioimmune insulin levels to incident coronary heart disease in an insulin-treated diabetic cohort. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004 ;89(6):2852-8.
Mukamal KJ, Chung H, Jenny NS, Kuller LH, Longstreth WT, Mittleman MA, Burke GL, Cushman M, Beauchamp NJ, Siscovick DS. Alcohol use and risk of ischemic stroke among older adults: the cardiovascular health study. Stroke. 2005 ;36(9):1830-4.
Edwards MS, Wilson DB, Craven TE, Stafford J, Fried LF, Wong TY, Klein R, Burke GL, Hansen KJ. Associations between retinal microvascular abnormalities and declining renal function in the elderly population: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Kidney Dis. 2005 ;46(2):214-24.
Cushman M, Arnold AM, Psaty BM, Manolio TA, Kuller LH, Burke GL, Polak JF, Tracy RP. C-reactive protein and the 10-year incidence of coronary heart disease in older men and women: the cardiovascular health study. Circulation. 2005 ;112(1):25-31.
Mozaffarian D, Longstreth WT, Lemaitre RN, Manolio TA, Kuller LH, Burke GL, Siscovick DS. Fish consumption and stroke risk in elderly individuals: the cardiovascular health study. Arch Intern Med. 2005 ;165(2):200-6.
Mozaffarian D, Bryson CL, Lemaitre RN, Burke GL, Siscovick DS. Fish intake and risk of incident heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2005 ;45(12):2015-21.
Arnold AM, Psaty BM, Kuller LH, Burke GL, Manolio TA, Fried LP, Robbins JA, Kronmal RA. Incidence of cardiovascular disease in older Americans: the cardiovascular health study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2005 ;53(2):211-8.
