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Barzilay JI, Bůzková P, Kuller LH, Cauley JA, Fink HA, Sheets K, Robbins JA, Carbone LD, Elam RE, Mukamal KJ. The Association of Lipids and Lipoproteins with Hip Fracture Risk the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Med. 2022 .
Garg PK, Bartz TM, Norby FL, Jorgensen NW, McClelland RL, Ballantyne CM, Chen LY, Gottdiener JS, Greenland P, Hoogeveen R, et al. Association of lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A and risk of incident atrial fibrillation: Findings from 3 cohorts. Am Heart J. 2018 ;197:62-69.
Bressler J, Davies G, Smith AV, Saba Y, Bis JC, Jian X, Hayward C, Yanek L, Smith JA, Mirza SS, et al. Association of low-frequency and rare coding variants with information processing speed. Transl Psychiatry. 2021 ;11(1):613.
Peloso GM, Auer PL, Bis JC, Voorman A, Morrison AC, Stitziel NO, Brody JA, Khetarpal SA, Crosby JR, Fornage M, et al. Association of low-frequency and rare coding-sequence variants with blood lipids and coronary heart disease in 56,000 whites and blacks. Am J Hum Genet. 2014 ;94(2):223-32.
Barzilay JI, Forsberg C, Heckbert SR, Cushman M, Newman AB. The association of markers of inflammation with weight change in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2006 ;30(9):1362-7.
Barzilay JI, Tressel W, Biggs ML, Stein PK, Kizer JR, Shitole SG, Bene-Alhasan Y, Mukamal KJ. The Association of Measures of Cardiovascular Autonomic Function, Heart Rate, and Orthostatic Hypotension With Incident Glucose Disorders: The Cardiovascular Health Study. Diabetes Care. 2022 ;45(10):2376-2382.
Cao JJ, Barzilay JI, Peterson D, Manolio TA, Psaty BM, Kuller L, Wexler J, Bleyer AJ, Cushman M. The association of microalbuminuria with clinical cardiovascular disease and subclinical atherosclerosis in the elderly: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Atherosclerosis. 2006 ;187(2):372-7.
Cohen LP, Vittinghoff E, Pletcher MJ, Allen NB, Shah SJ, Wilkins JT, Chang PP, Ndumele CE, Newman AB, Ives D, et al. Association of Midlife Cardiovascular Risk Factors With the Risk of Heart Failure Subtypes Later in Life. J Card Fail. 2021 ;27(4):435-444.
Mahmoodi BK, Gansevoort RT, Næss IAnne, Lutsey PL, Brækkan SK, Veeger NJGM, Brodin EE, Meijer K, Sang Y, Matsushita K, et al. Association of mild to moderate chronic kidney disease with venous thromboembolism: pooled analysis of five prospective general population cohorts. Circulation. 2012 ;126(16):1964-71.
Zhang Y, Liu X, Wiggins KL, Kurniansyah N, Guo X, Rodrigue AL, Zhao W, Yanek LR, Ratliff SM, Pitsillides A, et al. Association of Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number With Brain MRI Markers and Cognitive Function: A Meta-analysis of Community-Based Cohorts. Neurology. 2023 .
Liu X, Longchamps RJ, Wiggins KL, Raffield LM, Bielak LF, Zhao W, Pitsillides A, Blackwell TW, Yao J, Guo X, et al. Association of mitochondrial DNA copy number with cardiometabolic diseases. Cell Genom. 2021 ;1(1).
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H Y Wu J, Lemaitre RN, King IB, Song X, Sacks FM, Rimm EB, Heckbert SR, Siscovick DS, Mozaffarian D. Association of plasma phospholipid long-chain ω-3 fatty acids with incident atrial fibrillation in older adults: the cardiovascular health study. Circulation. 2012 ;125(9):1084-93.
Carbone LD, Bůzková P, Fink HA, Robbins JA, Bethel M, Hamrick MW, Hill WD. Association of Plasma SDF-1 with Bone Mineral Density, Body Composition, and Hip Fractures in Older Adults: The Cardiovascular Health Study. Calcif Tissue Int. 2017 ;100(6):599-608.
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