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Yu B, Barbalic M, Brautbar A, Nambi V, Hoogeveen RC, Tang W, Mosley TH, Rotter JI, deFilippi CR, O'Donnell CJ, et al. Association of genome-wide variation with highly sensitive cardiac troponin-T levels in European Americans and Blacks: a meta-analysis from atherosclerosis risk in communities and cardiovascular health studies. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2013 ;6(1):82-8.
Yu B, Li AH, Muzny D, Veeraraghavan N, de Vries PS, Bis JC, Musani SK, Alexander D, Morrison AC, Franco OH, et al. Association of Rare Loss-Of-Function Alleles in HAL, Serum Histidine: Levels and Incident Coronary Heart Disease. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2015 ;8(2):351-5.
Frenzel S, Bis JC, Gudmundsson EF, O'Donnell A, Simino J, Yaqub A, Bartz TM, Brusselle GGO, Bülow R, DeCarli CS, et al. Associations of Pulmonary Function with MRI Brain Volumes: A Coordinated Multi-Study Analysis. J Alzheimers Dis. 2022 .
Grove ML, Yu B, Cochran BJ, Haritunians T, Bis JC, Taylor KD, Hansen M, Borecki IB, Cupples AL, Fornage M, et al. Best practices and joint calling of the HumanExome BeadChip: the CHARGE Consortium. PLoS One. 2013 ;8(7):e68095.
Bhattacharya R, Zekavat SM, Haessler J, Fornage M, Raffield L, Uddin MMesbah, Bick AG, Niroula A, Yu B, Gibson C, et al. Clonal Hematopoiesis Is Associated With Higher Risk of Stroke. Stroke. 2022 ;53(3):788-797.
Levy D, Kirmani S, Huan T, Van Amburg J, Joehanes R, Uddin MMesbah, Nguyen NQuynh, Yu B, Brody J, Fornage M, et al. Epigenome-wide DNA Methylation Association Study of CHIP Provides Insight into Perturbed Gene Regulation. Res Sq. 2024 .
Kurniansyah N, Goodman MO, Khan AT, Wang J, Feofanova E, Bis JC, Wiggins KL, Huffman JE, Kelly T, Elfassy T, et al. Evaluating the use of blood pressure polygenic risk scores across race/ethnic background groups. Nat Commun. 2023 ;14(1):3202.
Fuentes Lde Las, Sung YJu, Noordam R, Winkler T, Feitosa MF, Schwander K, Bentley AR, Brown MR, Guo X, Manning A, et al. Gene-educational attainment interactions in a multi-ancestry genome-wide meta-analysis identify novel blood pressure loci. Mol Psychiatry. 2020 .
Fox ER, Musani SK, Barbalic M, Lin H, Yu B, Ogunyankin KO, Smith NL, Kutlar A, Glazer NL, Post WS, et al. Genome-wide association study of cardiac structure and systolic function in African Americans: the Candidate Gene Association Resource (CARe) study. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2013 ;6(1):37-46.
Ramonfaur D, Buckley LF, Arthur V, Yang Y, Claggett BL, Ndumele CE, Walker KA, Austin T, Odden MC, Floyd JS, et al. High Throughput Plasma Proteomics and Risk of Heart Failure and Frailty in Late Life. JAMA Cardiol. 2024 ;9(7):649-658.
Yang Y, Bartz TM, Brown MR, Guo X, Zilhão NR, Trompet S, Weiss S, Yao J, Brody JA, deFilippi CR, et al. Identification of Functional Genetic Determinants of Cardiac Troponin T and I in a Multiethnic Population and Causal Associations With Atrial Fibrillation. Circ Genom Precis Med. 2021 ;14(6):e003460.
Schumann G, Liu C, O'Reilly P, Gao H, Song P, Xu B, Ruggeri B, Amin N, Jia T, Preis S, et al. KLB is associated with alcohol drinking, and its gene product β-Klotho is necessary for FGF21 regulation of alcohol preference. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 ;113(50):14372-14377.
Shelbaya K, Arthur V, Yang Y, Dorbala P, Buckley L, Claggett B, Skali H, Dufresne L, Yang T-Y, Engert JC, et al. Large-Scale Proteomics Identifies Novel Biomarkers and Circulating Risk Factors for Aortic Stenosis. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2024 ;83(5):577-591.
Tin A, Li Y, Brody JA, Nutile T, Chu AY, Huffman JE, Yang Q, Chen M-H, Robinson-Cohen C, Mace A, et al. Large-scale whole-exome sequencing association studies identify rare functional variants influencing serum urate levels. Nat Commun. 2018 ;9(1):4228.
de Vries PS, Brown MR, Bentley AR, Sung YJ, Winkler TW, Ntalla I, Schwander K, Kraja AT, Guo X, Franceschini N, et al. Multi-Ancestry Genome-Wide Association Study of Lipid Levels Incorporating Gene-Alcohol Interactions. Am J Epidemiol. 2019 .
Kurniansyah N, Goodman MO, Kelly TN, Elfassy T, Wiggins KL, Bis JC, Guo X, Palmas W, Taylor KD, Lin HJ, et al. A multi-ethnic polygenic risk score is associated with hypertension prevalence and progression throughout adulthood. Nat Commun. 2022 ;13(1):3549.
Alkis T, Luo X, Wall K, Brody J, Bartz T, Chang PP, Norby FL, Hoogeveen RC, Morrison AC, Ballantyne CM, et al. A polygenic risk score of atrial fibrillation improves prediction of lifetime risk for heart failure. ESC Heart Fail. 2024 .
Hu X, Qiao D, Kim W, Moll M, Balte PP, Lange LA, Bartz TM, Kumar R, Li X, Yu B, et al. Polygenic transcriptome risk scores for COPD and lung function improve cross-ethnic portability of prediction in the NHLBI TOPMed program. Am J Hum Genet. 2022 .
Yu B, Pulit SL, Hwang S-J, Brody JA, Amin N, Auer PL, Bis JC, Boerwinkle E, Burke GL, Chakravarti A, et al. Rare Exome Sequence Variants in CLCN6 Reduce Blood Pressure Levels and Hypertension Risk. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2016 ;9(1):64-70.
Li X, Chen H, Selvaraj MSunitha, Van Buren E, Zhou H, Wang Y, Sun R, McCaw ZR, Yu Z, Arnett DK, et al. A statistical framework for powerful multi-trait rare variant analysis in large-scale whole-genome sequencing studies. bioRxiv. 2023 .
Yu B, Roberts MB, Raffield LM, Zekavat SMaryam, Nguyen NQuynh H, Biggs ML, Brown MR, Griffin G, Desai P, Correa A, et al. Supplemental Association of Clonal Hematopoiesis With Incident Heart Failure. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021 ;78(1):42-52.
Zhao X, Qiao D, Yang C, Kasela S, Kim W, Ma Y, Shrine N, Batini C, Sofer T, Taliun SAGagliano, et al. Whole genome sequence analysis of pulmonary function and COPD in 19,996 multi-ethnic participants. Nat Commun. 2020 ;11(1):5182.
Feofanova EV, Brown MR, Alkis T, Manuel AM, Li X, Tahir UA, Li Z, Mendez KM, Kelly RS, Qi Q, et al. Whole-Genome Sequencing Analysis of Human Metabolome in Multi-Ethnic Populations. Nat Commun. 2023 ;14(1):3111.