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Nolte IM, M Munoz L, Tragante V, Amare AT, Jansen R, Vaez A, von der Heyde B, Avery CL, Bis JC, Dierckx B, et al. Genetic loci associated with heart rate variability and their effects on cardiac disease risk. Nat Commun. 2017 ;8:15805.
Christophersen IE, Rienstra M, Roselli C, Yin X, Geelhoed B, Barnard J, Lin H, Arking DE, Smith AV, Albert CM, et al. Large-scale analyses of common and rare variants identify 12 new loci associated with atrial fibrillation. Nat Genet. 2017 ;49(6):946-952.
Wild PS, Felix JF, Schillert A, Teumer A, Chen M-H, Leening MJG, Völker U, Großmann V, Brody JA, Irvin MR, et al. Large-scale genome-wide analysis identifies genetic variants associated with cardiac structure and function. J Clin Invest. 2017 ;127(5):1798-1812.
Willems SM, Wright DJ, Day FR, Trajanoska K, Joshi PK, Morris JA, Matteini AM, Garton FC, Grarup N, Oskolkov N, et al. Large-scale GWAS identifies multiple loci for hand grip strength providing biological insights into muscular fitness. Nat Commun. 2017 ;8:16015.
Kraja AT, Cook JP, Warren HR, Surendran P, Liu C, Evangelou E, Manning AK, Grarup N, Drenos F, Sim X, et al. New Blood Pressure-Associated Loci Identified in Meta-Analyses of 475 000 Individuals. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2017 ;10(5).
Evangelou E, Warren HR, Mosen-Ansorena D, Mifsud B, Pazoki R, Gao H, Ntritsos G, Dimou N, Cabrera CP, Karaman I, et al. Genetic analysis of over 1 million people identifies 535 new loci associated with blood pressure traits. Nat Genet. 2018 ;50(10):1412-1425.
Ligthart S, Vaez A, Võsa U, Stathopoulou MG, de Vries PS, Prins BP, van der Most PJ, Tanaka T, Naderi E, Rose LM, et al. Genome Analyses of >200,000 Individuals Identify 58 Loci for Chronic Inflammation and Highlight Pathways that Link Inflammation and Complex Disorders. Am J Hum Genet. 2018 ;103(5):691-706.
Malik R, Chauhan G, Traylor M, Sargurupremraj M, Okada Y, Mishra A, Rutten-Jacobs L, Giese A-K, van der Laan SW, Gretarsdottir S, et al. Multiancestry genome-wide association study of 520,000 subjects identifies 32 loci associated with stroke and stroke subtypes. Nat Genet. 2018 ;50(4):524-537.
Roselli C, Chaffin MD, Weng L-C, Aeschbacher S, Ahlberg G, Albert CM, Almgren P, Alonso A, Anderson CD, Aragam KG, et al. Multi-ethnic genome-wide association study for atrial fibrillation. Nat Genet. 2018 ;50(9):1225-1233.
Mahajan A, Wessel J, Willems SM, Zhao W, Robertson NR, Chu AY, Gan W, Kitajima H, Taliun D, N Rayner W, et al. Refining the accuracy of validated target identification through coding variant fine-mapping in type 2 diabetes. Nat Genet. 2018 ;50(4):559-571.
