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Newman AB, Gottdiener JS, McBurnie MA, Hirsch CH, Kop WJ, Tracy R, Walston JD, Fried LP. Associations of subclinical cardiovascular disease with frailty. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2001 ;56(3):M158-66.
Enright PL, McClelland RL, Buist AS, Lebowitz MD. Correlates of peak expiratory flow lability in elderly persons. Chest. 2001 ;120(6):1861-8.
Kitzman DW, Gardin JM, Gottdiener JS, Arnold A, Boineau R, Aurigemma G, Marino EK, Lyles M, Cushman M, Enright PL. Importance of heart failure with preserved systolic function in patients > or = 65 years of age. CHS Research Group. Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Cardiol. 2001 ;87(4):413-9.
Gardin JM, McClelland R, Kitzman D, Lima JA, Bommer W, Klopfenstein HS, Wong ND, Smith VE, Gottdiener J. M-mode echocardiographic predictors of six- to seven-year incidence of coronary heart disease, stroke, congestive heart failure, and mortality in an elderly cohort (the Cardiovascular Health Study). Am J Cardiol. 2001 ;87(9):1051-7.
Aurigemma GP, Gottdiener JS, Shemanski L, Gardin J, Kitzman D. Predictive value of systolic and diastolic function for incident congestive heart failure in the elderly: the cardiovascular health study. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2001 ;37(4):1042-8.
Barzilay JI, Kronmal RA, Gottdiener JS, Smith NL, Burke GL, Tracy R, Savage PJ, Carlson M. The association of fasting glucose levels with congestive heart failure in diabetic adults > or =65 years: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2004 ;43(12):2236-41.
Mathew ST, Gottdiener JS, Kitzman D, Aurigemma G. Congestive heart failure in the elderly: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Geriatr Cardiol. 2004 ;13(2):61-8.
Rhoads CS, Psaty BM, Olson JL, Furberg CD. Medications and cardiovascular health in older adults: room for improvement in prevention and treatment. Am J Geriatr Cardiol. 2004 ;13(3):161-7.
Bryson CL, Smith NL, Kuller LH, Chaves PHM, Manolio TA, Lewis W, Boyko EJ, Furberg CD, Psaty BM. Risk of congestive heart failure in an elderly population treated with peripheral alpha-1 antagonists. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2004 ;52(10):1648-54.
Chaves PHM, Kuller LH, O'Leary DH, Manolio TA, Newman AB. Subclinical cardiovascular disease in older adults: insights from the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Geriatr Cardiol. 2004 ;13(3):137-51.
Schellenbaum GD, Rea TD, Heckbert SR, Smith NL, Lumley T, Roger VL, Kitzman DW, Taylor HA, Levy D, Psaty BM. Survival associated with two sets of diagnostic criteria for congestive heart failure. Am J Epidemiol. 2004 ;160(7):628-35.
Smith NL, Chan JD, Rea TD, Wiggins KL, Gottdiener JS, Lumley T, Psaty BM. Time trends in the use of beta-blockers and other pharmacotherapies in older adults with congestive heart failure. Am Heart J. 2004 ;148(4):710-7.
