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Kuller L, Borhani N, Furberg C, Gardin J, Manolio T, O'Leary D, Psaty B, Robbins J. Prevalence of subclinical atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease and association with risk factors in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Epidemiol. 1994 ;139(12):1164-79.
Kuller LH, Shemanski L, Psaty BM, Borhani NO, Gardin J, Haan MN, O'Leary DH, Savage PJ, Tell GS, Tracy R. Subclinical disease as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Circulation. 1995 ;92(4):720-6.
Kuller L, Arnold A, Tracy R, Otvos J, Burke G, Psaty B, Siscovick D, Freedman DS, Kronmal R. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of lipoproteins and risk of coronary heart disease in the cardiovascular health study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2002 ;22(7):1175-80.
Kuller LH, Longstreth WT, Arnold AM, Bernick C, R Bryan N, Beauchamp NJ. White matter hyperintensity on cranial magnetic resonance imaging: a predictor of stroke. Stroke. 2004 ;35(8):1821-5.
Kuller LH, Lopez OL, Newman A, Beauchamp NJ, Burke G, Dulberg C, Fitzpatrick A, Fried L, Haan MN. Risk factors for dementia in the cardiovascular health cognition study. Neuroepidemiology. 2003 ;22(1):13-22.
Kuller LH, Lopez OL, Jagust WJ, Becker JT, DeKosky ST, Lyketsos C, Kawas C, Breitner JCS, Fitzpatrick A, Dulberg C. Determinants of vascular dementia in the Cardiovascular Health Cognition Study. Neurology. 2005 ;64(9):1548-52.
Kuller LH, Arnold AM, Longstreth WT, Manolio TA, O'Leary DH, Burke GL, Fried LP, Newman AB. White matter grade and ventricular volume on brain MRI as markers of longevity in the cardiovascular health study. Neurobiol Aging. 2007 ;28(9):1307-15.
Kuller LH, Lopez OL, Mackey RH, Rosano C, Edmundowicz D, Becker JT, Newman AB. Subclinical Cardiovascular Disease and Death, Dementia, and Coronary Heart Disease in Patients 80+ Years. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016 ;67(9):1013-22.
Kuller L, Fisher L, McClelland R, Fried L, Cushman M, Jackson S, Manolio T. Differences in prevalence of and risk factors for subclinical vascular disease among black and white participants in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1998 ;18(2):283-93.
Kuller LH, Lopez OL, Becker JT, Chang Y, Newman AB. Risk of dementia and death in the long-term follow-up of the Pittsburgh Cardiovascular Health Study-Cognition Study. Alzheimers Dement. 2016 ;12(2):170-83.
Kruse NT, Bůzková P, Barzilay JI, Valderrábano RJ, Robbins JA, Fink HA, Jalal DI. Association of skeletal muscle mass, kidney disease and mortality in older men and women: the cardiovascular health study. Aging (Albany NY). 2020 ;12(21):21023-21036.
Kronmal RA, Smith VE, O'Leary DH, Polak JF, Gardin JM, Manolio TA. Carotid artery measures are strongly associated with left ventricular mass in older adults (a report from the Cardiovascular Health Study). Am J Cardiol. 1996 ;77(8):628-33.
Kronmal RA, Hart RG, Manolio TA, Talbert RL, Beauchamp NJ, Newman A. Aspirin use and incident stroke in the cardiovascular health study. CHS Collaborative Research Group. Stroke. 1998 ;29(5):887-94.
Kronmal RA, Barzilay JI, Smith NL, Psaty BM, Kuller LH, Burke GL, Furberg C. Mortality in pharmacologically treated older adults with diabetes: the Cardiovascular Health Study, 1989-2001. PLoS Med. 2006 ;3(10):e400.
Kronmal RA, Barzilay JI, Tracy RP, Savage PJ, Orchard TJ, Burke GL. The relationship of fasting serum radioimmune insulin levels to incident coronary heart disease in an insulin-treated diabetic cohort. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004 ;89(6):2852-8.
Kronmal RA, Rutan GH, Manolio TA, Borhani NO. Properties of the random zero sphygmomanometer. Hypertension. 1993 ;21(5):632-7.
Kraja AT, Cook JP, Warren HR, Surendran P, Liu C, Evangelou E, Manning AK, Grarup N, Drenos F, Sim X, et al. New Blood Pressure-Associated Loci Identified in Meta-Analyses of 475 000 Individuals. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2017 ;10(5).
Kraja AT, Vaidya D, Pankow JS, Goodarzi MO, Assimes TL, Kullo IJ, Sovio U, Mathias RA, Sun YV, Franceschini N, et al. A bivariate genome-wide approach to metabolic syndrome: STAMPEED consortium. Diabetes. 2011 ;60(4):1329-39.
Köttgen A, Albrecht E, Teumer A, Vitart V, Krumsiek J, Hundertmark C, Pistis G, Ruggiero D, O'Seaghdha CM, Haller T, et al. Genome-wide association analyses identify 18 new loci associated with serum urate concentrations. Nat Genet. 2013 ;45(2):145-54.
Köttgen A, Pattaro C, Böger CA, Fuchsberger C, Olden M, Glazer NL, Parsa A, Gao X, Yang Q, Smith AV, et al. New loci associated with kidney function and chronic kidney disease. Nat Genet. 2010 ;42(5):376-84.
Köttgen A, Glazer NL, Dehghan A, Hwang S-J, Katz R, Li M, Yang Q, Gudnason V, Launer LJ, Harris TB, et al. Multiple loci associated with indices of renal function and chronic kidney disease. Nat Genet. 2009 ;41(6):712-7.
Kop WJ, Seliger SL, Fink JC, Katz R, Odden MC, Fried LF, Rifkin DE, Sarnak MJ, Gottdiener JS. Longitudinal association of depressive symptoms with rapid kidney function decline and adverse clinical renal disease outcomes. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2011 ;6(4):834-44.
Kop WJ, Gottdiener JS, deFilippi CR, Barasch E, Seliger SL, Jenny NS, Christenson RH. Cardiac microinjury measured by troponin T predicts collagen metabolism in adults aged >=65 years with heart failure. Circ Heart Fail. 2012 ;5(4):406-13.
Kop WJ, Stein PK, Tracy RP, Barzilay JI, Schulz R, Gottdiener JS. Autonomic nervous system dysfunction and inflammation contribute to the increased cardiovascular mortality risk associated with depression. Psychosom Med. 2010 ;72(7):626-35.
Kop WJ, Gottdiener JS, Tangen CM, Fried LP, McBurnie MAnn, Walston J, Newman A, Hirsch C, Tracy RP. Inflammation and coagulation factors in persons > 65 years of age with symptoms of depression but without evidence of myocardial ischemia. Am J Cardiol. 2002 ;89(4):419-24.
