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Tang W, Cushman M, Green D, Rich SS, Lange LA, Yang Q, Tracy RP, Tofler GH, Basu S, Wilson JG, et al. Gene-centric approach identifies new and known loci for FVIII activity and VWF antigen levels in European Americans and African Americans. Am J Hematol. 2015 ;90(6):534-40.
Simino J, Shi G, Bis JC, Chasman DI, Ehret GB, Gu X, Guo X, Hwang S-J, Sijbrands E, Smith AV, et al. Gene-age interactions in blood pressure regulation: a large-scale investigation with the CHARGE, Global BPgen, and ICBP Consortia. Am J Hum Genet. 2014 ;95(1):24-38.
Nettleton JA, Follis JL, Ngwa JS, Smith CE, Ahmad S, Tanaka T, Wojczynski MK, Voortman T, Lemaitre RN, Kristiansson K, et al. Gene × dietary pattern interactions in obesity: analysis of up to 68 317 adults of European ancestry. Hum Mol Genet. 2015 ;24(16):4728-38.
Luke MM, O'Meara ES, Rowland CM, Shiffman D, Bare LA, Arellano AR, Longstreth WT, Lumley T, Rice K, Tracy RP, et al. Gene variants associated with ischemic stroke: the cardiovascular health study. Stroke. 2009 ;40(2):363-8.
Sobrin L, Susarla G, Stanwyck L, Rouhana JM, Li A, Pollack S, Igo RP, Jensen RA, Li X, Ng MCY, et al. {Gene Set Enrichment Analsyes Identify Pathways Involved in Genetic Risk for Diabetic Retinopathy. Am J Ophthalmol. 2022 ;233:111–123.
Suchy-Dicey A, Heckbert SR, Smith NL, McKnight B, Rotter JI, Chen YIda, Psaty BM, Enquobahrie DA. Gene expression in thiazide diuretic or statin users in relation to incident type 2 diabetes. Int J Mol Epidemiol Genet. 2014 ;5(1):22-30.
Arab L, Biggs ML, O'Meara ES, Longstreth WT, Crane PK, Fitzpatrick AL. Gender differences in tea, coffee, and cognitive decline in the elderly: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Alzheimers Dis. 2011 ;27(3):553-66.
Zhang Z-M, Prineas RJ, Case D, Psaty BM, Suzuki T, Burke GL. Gender differences between the Minnesota code and Novacode electrocardiographic prognostication of coronary heart disease in the cardiovascular health study. Am J Cardiol. 2011 ;107(6):817-820.e1.
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Fashanu OE, Heckbert SR, Aguilar D, Jensen PN, Ballantyne CM, Basu S, Hoogeveen RC, DeFilippi C, Cushman M, Folsom AR. Galectin-3 and Venous Thromboembolism Incidence: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study. Res Pract Thromb Haemost. 2017 ;1(2):223-230.
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Rosano C, Brach J, Studenski S, Longstreth WT, Newman AB. Gait variability is associated with subclinical brain vascular abnormalities in high-functioning older adults. Neuroepidemiology. 2007 ;29(3-4):193-200.
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Brach JS, Studenski SA, Perera S, VanSwearingen JM, Newman AB. Gait variability and the risk of incident mobility disability in community-dwelling older adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2007 ;62(9):983-8.
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Studenski S, Perera S, Patel K, Rosano C, Faulkner K, Inzitari M, Brach J, Chandler J, Cawthon P, Connor EBarrett, et al. Gait speed and survival in older adults. JAMA. 2011 ;305(1):50-8.
McGovern DPB, Jones MR, Taylor KD, Marciante K, Yan X, Dubinsky M, Ippoliti A, Vasiliauskas E, Berel D, Derkowski C, et al. Fucosyltransferase 2 (FUT2) non-secretor status is associated with Crohn's disease. Hum Mol Genet. 2010 ;19(17):3468-76.
Yang J, Loos RJF, Powell JE, Medland SE, Speliotes EK, Chasman DI, Rose LM, Thorleifsson G, Steinthorsdottir V, Mägi R, et al. FTO genotype is associated with phenotypic variability of body mass index. Nature. 2012 ;490(7419):267-72.
Qi Q, Kilpeläinen TO, Downer MK, Tanaka T, Smith CE, Sluijs I, Sonestedt E, Chu AY, Renstrom F, Lin X, et al. FTO genetic variants, dietary intake and body mass index: insights from 177,330 individuals. Hum Mol Genet. 2014 ;23(25):6961-72.
Longstreth WT, Bernick C, Fitzpatrick A, Cushman M, Knepper L, Lima J, Furberg CD. Frequency and predictors of stroke death in 5,888 participants in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Neurology. 2001 ;56(3):368-75.
Li Z, Li X, Zhou H, Gaynor SM, Selvaraj MSunitha, Arapoglou T, Quick C, Liu Y, Chen H, Sun R, et al. A framework for detecting noncoding rare-variant associations of large-scale whole-genome sequencing studies. Nat Methods. 2022 ;19(12):1599-1611.
Fried LP, Tangen CM, Walston J, Newman AB, Hirsch C, Gottdiener J, Seeman T, Tracy R, Kop WJ, Burke G, et al. Frailty in older adults: evidence for a phenotype. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2001 ;56(3):M146-56.
Folsom AR, Boland LL, Cushman M, Heckbert SR, Rosamond WD, Walston JD. Frailty and risk of venous thromboembolism in older adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2007 ;62(1):79-82.
Walston J, McBurnie MAnn, Newman A, Tracy RP, Kop WJ, Hirsch CH, Gottdiener J, Fried LP. Frailty and activation of the inflammation and coagulation systems with and without clinical comorbidities: results from the Cardiovascular Health Study. Arch Intern Med. 2002 ;162(20):2333-41.
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