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Buyske S, Wu Y, Carty CL, Cheng I, Assimes TL, Dumitrescu L, Hindorff LA, Mitchell S, Ambite JLuis, Boerwinkle E, et al. Evaluation of the metabochip genotyping array in African Americans and implications for fine mapping of GWAS-identified loci: the PAGE study. PLoS One. 2012 ;7(4):e35651.
Lidgard B, Bansal N, Zelnick LR, Hoofnagle AN, Fretts AM, Longstreth WT, Shlipak MG, Siscovick DS, Umans JG, Lemaitre RN. Evaluation of plasma sphingolipids as mediators of the relationship between kidney disease and cardiovascular events. EBioMedicine. 2023 ;95:104765.
Lopez OL, Kuller LH, Fitzpatrick A, Ives D, Becker JT, Beauchamp N. Evaluation of dementia in the cardiovascular health cognition study. Neuroepidemiology. 2003 ;22(1):1-12.
Newman AB, Patel S, Kizer J, Lee S-J, Bhasin S, Cawthon P, LeBrasseur N, Tracy RP, Ganz P, Cummings S. Evaluation of Associations of Growth Differentiation Factor-11, Growth Differentiation Factor-8 and their Binding Proteins Follistatin and Follistatin-like protein-3 with Dementia and Cognition. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2023 .
Cai L, Schenker N, Lubitz J, Diehr P, Arnold A, Fried LP. Evaluation of a method for fitting a semi-Markov process model in the presence of left-censored spells using the Cardiovascular Health Study. Stat Med. 2008 ;27(26):5509-24.
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Pennells L, Kaptoge S, Wood A, Sweeting M, Zhao X, White I, Burgess S, Willeit P, Bolton T, Moons KGM, et al. Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration: individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies. Eur Heart J. 2018 .
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Tin A, Schlosser P, Matias-Garcia PR, Thio CHL, Joehanes R, Liu H, Yu Z, Weihs A, Hoppmann A, Grundner-Culemann F, et al. Epigenome-wide association study of serum urate reveals insights into urate co-regulation and the SLC2A9 locus. Nat Commun. 2021 ;12(1):7173.
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