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Wang TJ, Zhang F, J Richards B, Kestenbaum B, van Meurs JB, Berry D, Kiel DP, Streeten EA, Ohlsson C, Koller DL, et al. Common genetic determinants of vitamin D insufficiency: a genome-wide association study. Lancet. 2010 ;376(9736):180-8.
Mukamal KJ, Wilk JB, Biggs ML, Jensen MK, Ix JH, Kizer JR, Tracy RP, Zieman SJ, Mozaffarian D, Psaty BM, et al. Common FABP4 genetic variants and plasma levels of fatty acid binding protein 4 in older adults. Lipids. 2013 ;48(11):1169-75.
Lemaitre RN, McKnight B, Sotoodehnia N, Fretts AM, Qureshi WT, Song X, King IB, Sitlani CM, Siscovick DS, Psaty BM, et al. Circulating Very Long-Chain Saturated Fatty Acids and Heart Failure: The Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Heart Assoc. 2018 ;7(21):e010019.
Mozaffarian D, Cao H, King IB, Lemaitre RN, Song X, Siscovick DS, Hotamisligil GS. Circulating palmitoleic acid and risk of metabolic abnormalities and new-onset diabetes. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 ;92(6):1350-8.
H Y Wu J, Lemaitre RN, King IB, Song X, Psaty BM, Siscovick DS, Mozaffarian D. Circulating omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and total and cause-specific mortality: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Circulation. 2014 ;130(15):1245-53.
Virtanen JK, Siscovick DS, Lemaitre RN, Longstreth WT, Spiegelman D, Rimm EB, King IB, Mozaffarian D. Circulating omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and subclinical brain abnormalities on MRI in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Heart Assoc. 2013 ;2(5):e000305.
Otto MC de Olive, H Y Wu J, Thacker EL, Lai HTsz Mung, Lemaitre RN, Padhye N, Song X, King IB, Lopez O, Siscovick DS, et al. Circulating Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids, Cognitive Decline, and Dementia in Older Adults. J Alzheimers Dis. 2023 .
Mozaffarian D, Lemaitre RN, King IB, Song X, Spiegelman D, Sacks FM, Rimm EB, Siscovick DS. Circulating long-chain ω-3 fatty acids and incidence of congestive heart failure in older adults: the cardiovascular health study: a cohort study. Ann Intern Med. 2011 ;155(3):160-70.
Barzilay JI, Bůzková P, Zieman SJ, Kizer JR, Djoussé L, Ix JH, Tracy RP, Siscovick DS, Cauley JA, Mukamal KJ. Circulating levels of carboxy‐methyl‐lysine (CML) are associated with hip fracture risk: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Bone Miner Res. 2014 ;29(5):1061-6.
Rosenberg MA, Maziarz M, Tan AY, Glazer NL, Zieman SJ, Kizer JR, Ix JH, Djoussé L, Siscovick DS, Heckbert SR, et al. Circulating fibrosis biomarkers and risk of atrial fibrillation: The Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS). Am Heart J. 2014 ;167(5):723-8.e2.
Fretts AM, Jensen PN, Hoofnagle AN, McKnight B, Sitlani CM, Siscovick DS, King IB, Psaty BM, Sotoodehnia N, Lemaitre RN. Circulating Ceramides and Sphingomyelins and Risk of Mortality: The Cardiovascular Health Study. Clin Chem. 2021 ;67(12):1650-1659.
Lemaitre RN, Sitlani C, Song X, King IB, McKnight B, Spiegelman D, Sacks FM, Djoussé L, Rimm EB, Siscovick DS, et al. Circulating and dietary α-linolenic acid and incidence of congestive heart failure in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012 ;96(2):269-74.
Wang Q, Imamura F, Ma W, Wang M, Lemaitre RN, King IB, Song X, Biggs ML, Delaney JA, Mukamal KJ, et al. Circulating and dietary trans fatty acids and incident type 2 diabetes in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Diabetes Care. 2015 ;38(6):1099-107.
Danziger J, Biggs ML, Niemi M, Ix JH, Kizer JR, Djoussé L, de Boer IH, Siscovick DS, Kestenbaum B, Mukamal KJ. Circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D is associated with insulin resistance cross-sectionally but not longitudinally in older adults: The Cardiovascular Health Study. Metabolism. 2013 ;62(12):1788-94.
Pham H, Robinson-Cohen C, Biggs ML, Ix JH, Mukamal KJ, Fried LF, Kestenbaum B, Siscovick DS, de Boer IH. Chronic kidney disease, insulin resistance, and incident diabetes in older adults. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2012 ;7(4):588-94.
Mozaffarian D, Kumanyika SK, Lemaitre RN, Olson JL, Burke GL, Siscovick DS. Cereal, fruit, and vegetable fiber intake and the risk of cardiovascular disease in elderly individuals. JAMA. 2003 ;289(13):1659-66.
Wong TYin, Larsen EKMarino, Klein R, Mitchell P, Couper DJ, Klein BEK, Hubbard LD, Siscovick DS, A Sharrett R. Cardiovascular risk factors for retinal vein occlusion and arteriolar emboli: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities & Cardiovascular Health studies. Ophthalmology. 2005 ;112(4):540-7.
Mozaffarian D, Lemaitre RN, Kuller LH, Burke GL, Tracy RP, Siscovick DS. Cardiac benefits of fish consumption may depend on the type of fish meal consumed: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Circulation. 2003 ;107(10):1372-7.
Sobrin L, Green T, Sim X, Jensen RA, Tai SE, Tay WTing, Wang JJin, Mitchell P, Sandholm N, Liu Y, et al. Candidate gene association study for diabetic retinopathy in persons with type 2 diabetes: the Candidate gene Association Resource (CARe). Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011 ;52(10):7593-602.
Rifkin DE, Katz R, Chonchol M, Shlipak MG, Sarnak MJ, Fried LF, Newman AB, Siscovick DS, Peralta CA. Blood pressure components and decline in kidney function in community-living older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Hypertens. 2013 ;26(8):1037-44.
Harris WS, Tintle NL, Imamura F, Qian F, Korat AVArdisson, Marklund M, Djoussé L, Bassett JK, Carmichael P-H, Chen Y-Y, et al. Blood n-3 fatty acid levels and total and cause-specific mortality from 17 prospective studies. Nat Commun. 2021 ;12(1):2329.
Fornage M, Y Chiang A, O'Meara ES, Psaty BM, Reiner AP, Siscovick DS, Tracy RP, Longstreth WT. Biomarkers of Inflammation and MRI-Defined Small Vessel Disease of the Brain: The Cardiovascular Health Study. Stroke. 2008 ;39(7):1952-9.
Massera D, Biggs ML, Walker MD, Mukamal KJ, Ix JH, Djoussé L, Valderrábano RJ, Siscovick DS, Tracy RP, Xue XN, et al. Biochemical Markers of Bone Turnover and Risk of Incident Diabetes in Older Women: The Cardiovascular Health Study. Diabetes Care. 2018 ;41(9):1901-1908.
Heckbert SR, Hindorff LA, Edwards KL, Psaty BM, Lumley T, Siscovick DS, Tang Z, J Durda P, Kronmal RA, Tracy RP. Beta2-adrenergic receptor polymorphisms and risk of incident cardiovascular events in the elderly. Circulation. 2003 ;107(15):2021-4.
Hindorff LA, Heckbert SR, Psaty BM, Lumley T, Siscovick DS, Herrington DM, Edwards KL, Tracy RP. beta(2)-Adrenergic receptor polymorphisms and determinants of cardiovascular risk: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Hypertens. 2005 ;18(3):392-7.
