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Johnson AD, Hwang S-J, Voorman A, Morrison A, Peloso GM, Hsu Y-H, Thanassoulis G, Newton-Cheh C, Rogers IS, Hoffmann U, et al. Resequencing and clinical associations of the 9p21.3 region: a comprehensive investigation in the Framingham heart study. Circulation. 2013 ;127(7):799-810.
Johnson AD, Newton-Cheh C, Chasman DI, Ehret GB, Johnson T, Rose L, Rice K, Verwoert GC, Launer LJ, Gudnason V, et al. Association of hypertension drug target genes with blood pressure and hypertension in 86,588 individuals. Hypertension. 2011 ;57(5):903-10.
Johansen MC, Ye W, Gross A, Gottesman RF, Han D, Whitney R, Briceño EM, Giordani BJ, Shore S, Elkind MSV, et al. Association Between Acute Myocardial Infarction and Cognition. JAMA Neurol. 2023 .
Joehanes R, Just AC, Marioni RE, Pilling LC, Reynolds LM, Mandaviya PR, Guan W, Xu T, Elks CE, Aslibekyan S, et al. Epigenetic Signatures of Cigarette Smoking. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2016 ;9(5):436-447.
Jin B, Capra JA, Benchek P, Wheeler N, Naj AC, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Farrell JJ, Leung YY, Kunkle B, Vadarajan B, et al. {An association test of the spatial distribution of rare missense variants within protein structures identifies Alzheimer's disease-related patterns. Genome Res. 2022 ;32:778–790.
Jiang R, Burke GL, Enright PL, Newman AB, Margolis HG, Cushman M, Tracy RP, Wang Y, Kronmal RA, R Barr G. Inflammatory markers and longitudinal lung function decline in the elderly. Am J Epidemiol. 2008 ;168(6):602-10.
Jiang M-Z, Gaynor SM, Li X, Van Buren E, Stilp A, Buth E, Wang FFei, Manansala R, Gogarten SM, Li Z, et al. Whole Genome Sequencing Based Analysis of Inflammation Biomarkers in the Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium. bioRxiv. 2023 .
Z Jiang G, de Boer IH, Mackey RH, Jensen MK, Lai M, Robson SC, Tracy R, Kuller LH, Mukamal KJ. Associations of insulin resistance, inflammation and liver synthetic function with very low-density lipoprotein: The Cardiovascular Health Study. Metabolism. 2016 ;65(3):92-9.
Jiang X, O'Reilly PF, Aschard H, Hsu Y-H, J Richards B, Dupuis J, Ingelsson E, Karasik D, Pilz S, Berry D, et al. Genome-wide association study in 79,366 European-ancestry individuals informs the genetic architecture of 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels. Nat Commun. 2018 ;9(1):260.
Jian X, Satizabal CL, Smith AV, Wittfeld K, Bis JC, Smith JA, Hsu F-C, Nho K, Hofer E, Hagenaars SP, et al. Exome Chip Analysis Identifies Low-Frequency and Rare Variants in for White Matter Hyperintensities on Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Stroke. 2018 .
Ji Y, Temprano-Sagrera G, Holle LA, Bebo A, Brody JA, Le N-Q, Kangro K, Brown MR, Martinez-Perez A, Sitlani CM, et al. Antithrombin, Protein C, and Protein S: Genome and Transcriptome-Wide Association Studies Identify 7 Novel Loci Regulating Plasma Levels. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2023 ;43(7):e254-e269.
Jhun MA, Mendelson M, Wilson R, Gondalia R, Joehanes R, Salfati E, Zhao X, Braun KVE, Do AN, Hedman ÅK, et al. {A multi-ethnic epigenome-wide association study of leukocyte DNA methylation and blood lipids. Nat Commun. 2021 ;12:3987.
Jensen MK, Bartz TM, Mukamal KJ, Djoussé L, Kizer JR, Tracy RP, Zieman SJ, Rimm EB, Siscovick DS, Shlipak M, et al. Fetuin-A, type 2 diabetes, and risk of cardiovascular disease in older adults: the cardiovascular health study. Diabetes Care. 2013 ;36(5):1222-8.
Jensen RA, Sim X, Smith AVernon, Li X, Jakobsdottir J, Cheng C-Y, Brody JA, Cotch MFrances, McKnight B, Klein R, et al. Novel Genetic Loci Associated With Retinal Microvascular Diameter. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2016 ;9(1):45-54.
Jensen PN, Gronroos NN, Chen LY, Folsom AR, deFilippi C, Heckbert SR, Alonso A. Incidence of and risk factors for sick sinus syndrome in the general population. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014 ;64(6):531-8.
Jensen PN, Fretts AM, Hoofnagle AN, Sitlani CM, McKnight B, King IB, Siscovick DS, Psaty BM, Heckbert SR, Mozaffarian D, et al. Plasma Ceramides and Sphingomyelins in Relation to Atrial Fibrillation Risk: The Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Heart Assoc. 2020 ;9(4):e012853.
Jensen RA, Sim X, Li X, Cotch MFrances, M Ikram K, Holliday EG, Eiriksdottir G, Harris TB, Jonasson F, Klein BEK, et al. Genome-wide association study of retinopathy in individuals without diabetes. PLoS One. 2013 ;8(2):e54232.
Jensen PN, Thacker EL, Dublin S, Psaty BM, Heckbert SR. Racial differences in the incidence of and risk factors for atrial fibrillation in older adults: the cardiovascular health study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2013 ;61(2):276-80.
Jensen MK, Bartz TM, Djoussé L, Kizer JR, Zieman SJ, Rimm EB, Siscovick DS, Psaty BM, Ix JH, Mukamal KJ. Genetically elevated fetuin-A levels, fasting glucose levels, and risk of type 2 diabetes: the cardiovascular health study. Diabetes Care. 2013 ;36(10):3121-7.
Jensen MK, Jensen RA, Mukamal KJ, Guo X, Yao J, Sun Q, Cornelis M, Liu Y, Chen M-H, Kizer JR, et al. Detection of genetic loci associated with plasma fetuin-A: A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies from the CHARGE Consortium. Hum Mol Genet. 2017 .
Jenny NS, Tracy RP, Ogg MS, Luong LAhn, Kuller LH, Arnold AM, A Sharrett R, Humphries SE. In the elderly, interleukin-6 plasma levels and the -174G>C polymorphism are associated with the development of cardiovascular disease. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2002 ;22(12):2066-71.
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Jenny NSwords, Solomon C, Cushman M, Tracy RP, Nelson JJ, Psaty BM, Furberg CD. Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A(2) (Lp-PLA(2)) and risk of cardiovascular disease in older adults: results from the Cardiovascular Health Study. Atherosclerosis. 2010 ;209(2):528-32.
Jenny NS, Arnold AM, Kuller LH, Sharrett AR, Fried LP, Psaty BM, Tracy RP. Soluble intracellular adhesion molecule-1 is associated with cardiovascular disease risk and mortality in older adults. J Thromb Haemost. 2006 ;4(1):107-13.
Jenny NS, French B, Arnold AM, Strotmeyer ES, Cushman M, Chaves PHM, Ding J, Fried LP, Kritchevsky SB, Rifkin DE, et al. Long-term assessment of inflammation and healthy aging in late life: the Cardiovascular Health Study All Stars. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2012 ;67(9):970-6.
