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Fohner AE, Bartz TM, Tracy RP, Adams HHH, Bis JC, Djoussé L, Satizabal CL, Lopez OL, Seshadri S, Mukamal KJ, et al. Association of Serum Neurofilament Light Chain Concentration and MRI Findings in Older Adults: The Cardiovascular Health Study. Neurology. 2022 ;98(9):e903-e911.
Carbone L, Bůzková P, Robbins JA, Fink HA, Barzilay JI, Elam RE, Isales C. Association of serum levels of phenylalanine and tyrosine with hip fractures and frailty in older adults: The cardiovascular health study. Arch Osteoporos. 2024 ;19(1):51.
Steubl D, Bůzková P, Ix JH, Devarajan P, Bennett MR, Chaves PHM, Shlipak MG, Bansal N, Sarnak MJ, Garimella PS. Association of serum and urinary uromodulin and their correlates in older adults-The Cardiovascular Health Study. Nephrology (Carlton). 2019 .
deFilippi CR, de Lemos JA, Christenson RH, Gottdiener JS, Kop WJ, Zhan M, Seliger SL. Association of serial measures of cardiac troponin T using a sensitive assay with incident heart failure and cardiovascular mortality in older adults. JAMA. 2010 ;304(22):2494-502.
Zhang K, Lovasi GS, Odden MC, Michael YL, Newman AB, Arnold AM, Kim DHyun, Wu C. Association of Retail Environment and Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status with Mortality among Community-dwelling Older Adults in the US: Cardiovascular Health Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2021 .
Winkelman JW, Shahar E, Sharief I, Gottlieb DJ. Association of restless legs syndrome and cardiovascular disease in the Sleep Heart Health Study. Neurology. 2008 ;70(1):35-42.
Asselbergs FW, Mozaffarian D, Katz R, Kestenbaum B, Fried LF, Gottdiener JS, Shlipak MG, Siscovick DS. Association of renal function with cardiac calcifications in older adults: the cardiovascular health study. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2009 ;24(3):834-40.
Dron JS, Patel AP, Zhang Y, Jurgens SJ, Maamari DJ, Wang M, Boerwinkle E, Morrison AC, de Vries PS, Fornage M, et al. Association of Rare Protein-Truncating DNA Variants in APOB or PCSK9 With Low-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Level and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease. JAMA Cardiol. 2023 .
Yu B, Li AH, Muzny D, Veeraraghavan N, de Vries PS, Bis JC, Musani SK, Alexander D, Morrison AC, Franco OH, et al. Association of Rare Loss-Of-Function Alleles in HAL, Serum Histidine: Levels and Incident Coronary Heart Disease. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2015 ;8(2):351-5.
Hirsch C, Anderson ML, Newman A, Kop W, Jackson S, Gottdiener J, Tracy R, Fried LP. The association of race with frailty: the cardiovascular health study. Ann Epidemiol. 2006 ;16(7):545-53.
Kaiser P, Allen N, Delaney JAC, Hirsch CH, Carnethon M, Arnold AM, Odden MC. The association of prediagnosis social support with survival after heart failure in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Ann Epidemiol. 2020 ;42:73-77.
Burdon KP, Macgregor S, Bykhovskaya Y, Javadiyan S, Li X, Laurie KJ, Muszynska D, Lindsay R, Lechner J, Haritunians T, et al. Association of polymorphisms in the hepatocyte growth factor gene promoter with keratoconus. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011 ;52(11):8514-9.
Lange LA, Carlson CS, Hindorff LA, Lange EM, Walston J, J Durda P, Cushman M, Bis JC, Zeng D, Lin D, et al. Association of polymorphisms in the CRP gene with circulating C-reactive protein levels and cardiovascular events. JAMA. 2006 ;296(22):2703-11.
Carbone LD, Bůzková P, Fink HA, Robbins JA, Bethel M, Hamrick MW, Hill WD. Association of Plasma SDF-1 with Bone Mineral Density, Body Composition, and Hip Fractures in Older Adults: The Cardiovascular Health Study. Calcif Tissue Int. 2017 ;100(6):599-608.
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Ong KLeung, Marklund M, Huang L, Rye K-A, Hui N, Pan X-F, Rebholz CM, Kim H, Steffen LM, van Westing AC, et al. Association of omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids with incident chronic kidney disease: pooled analysis of 19 cohorts. BMJ. 2023 ;380:e072909.
Quaye E, Galecki AT, Tilton N, Whitney R, Briceño EM, Elkind MSV, Fitzpatrick AL, Gottesman RF, Griswold M, Gross AL, et al. Association of Obesity With Cognitive Decline in Black and White Americans. Neurology. 2023 ;100(2):e220-e231.
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Dehghan A, Yang Q, Peters A, Basu S, Bis JC, Rudnicka AR, Kavousi M, Chen M-H, Baumert J, Lowe GDO, et al. Association of novel genetic Loci with circulating fibrinogen levels: a genome-wide association study in 6 population-based cohorts. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2009 ;2(2):125-33.
Balte PP, Chaves PHM, Couper DJ, Enright P, Jacobs DR, Kalhan R, Kronmal RA, Loehr LR, London SJ, Newman AB, et al. Association of Nonobstructive Chronic Bronchitis With Respiratory Health Outcomes in Adults. JAMA Intern Med. 2020 ;180(5):676-686.
Mehra R, Benjamin EJ, Shahar E, Gottlieb DJ, Nawabit R, H Kirchner L, Sahadevan J, Redline S. Association of nocturnal arrhythmias with sleep-disordered breathing: The Sleep Heart Health Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2006 ;173(8):910-6.
Zhang X, Farrell JJ, Tong T, Hu J, Zhu C, San Wang L-, Mayeux R, Haines JL, Pericak-Vance MA, Schellenberg GD, et al. Association of mitochondrial variants and haplogroups identified by whole exome sequencing with Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement. 2021 .
Ashar FN, Moes A, Moore AZ, Grove ML, Chaves PHM, Coresh J, Newman AB, Matteini AM, Bandeen-Roche K, Boerwinkle E, et al. Association of mitochondrial DNA levels with frailty and all-cause mortality. J Mol Med (Berl). 2015 ;93(2):177-186.
