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Harris WS, Tintle NL, Imamura F, Qian F, Korat AVArdisson, Marklund M, Djoussé L, Bassett JK, Carmichael P-H, Chen Y-Y, et al. Blood n-3 fatty acid levels and total and cause-specific mortality from 17 prospective studies. Nat Commun. 2021 ;12(1):2329.
Leung LY, Bartz TM, Rice K, Floyd J, Psaty B, Gutierrez J, Longstreth WT, Mukamal KJ. Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Measures Associated With Increased Risk of Covert Brain Infarction and Worsening Leukoaraiosis in Older Adults. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2017 ;37(8):1579-1586.
Rifkin DE, Katz R, Chonchol M, Shlipak MG, Sarnak MJ, Fried LF, Newman AB, Siscovick DS, Peralta CA. Blood pressure components and decline in kidney function in community-living older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Hypertens. 2013 ;26(8):1037-44.
Kaplan RC, Tirschwell DL, Longstreth WT, Manolio TA, Heckbert SR, LeValley AJ, Lefkowitz D, El-Saed A, Psaty BM. Blood pressure level and outcomes in adults aged 65 and older with prior ischemic stroke. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2006 ;54(9):1309-16.
Suchy-Dicey AM, Wallace ER, Mitchell SVElkind, Aguilar M, Gottesman RF, Rice K, Kronmal R, Psaty BM, Longstreth WT. Blood pressure variability and the risk of all-cause mortality, incident myocardial infarction, and incident stroke in the cardiovascular health study. Am J Hypertens. 2013 ;26(10):1210-7.
Zhang L, Bartz TM, Santanasto A, Djoussé L, Mukamal KJ, Forman DE, Hirsch CH, Newman AB, Gottdiener JS, Kizer JR. Body Composition and Incident Heart Failure in Older Adults: Results From 2 Prospective Cohorts. J Am Heart Assoc. 2022 ;11(1):e023707.
Mitchell D, Haan MN, Steinberg FM, Visser M. Body composition in the elderly: the influence of nutritional factors and physical activity. J Nutr Health Aging. 2003 ;7(3):130-9.
Diehr P, Bild DE, Harris TB, Duxbury A, Siscovick D, Rossi M. Body mass index and mortality in nonsmoking older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Public Health. 1998 ;88(4):623-9.
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Arnold AM, Newman AB, Cushman M, Ding J, Kritchevsky S. Body weight dynamics and their association with physical function and mortality in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2010 ;65(1):63-70.
Fohtung RB, Brown DL, Koh WJH, Bartz TM, Carbone LD, Civitelli R, Stein PK, Chaves PHM, Kestenbaum BR, Kizer JR. Bone Mineral Density and Risk of Heart Failure in Older Adults: The Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Heart Assoc. 2017 ;6(3).
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Longstreth WT, Diehr PH, Yee LM, Newman AB, Beauchamp NJ. Brain imaging findings in elderly adults and years of life, healthy life, and able life over the ensuing 16 years: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2014 ;62(10):1838-43.
Kim F, Biggs ML, Kizer JR, Brutsaert EF, de Fillipi C, Newman AB, Kronmal RA, Tracy RP, Gottdiener JS, Djoussé L, et al. Brain natriuretic peptide and insulin resistance in older adults. Diabet Med. 2016 .
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