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Bryson CL, Mukamal KJ, Mittleman MA, Fried LP, Hirsch CH, Kitzman DW, Siscovick DS. The association of alcohol consumption and incident heart failure: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006 ;48(2):305-11.
Lange LA, Carlson CS, Hindorff LA, Lange EM, Walston J, J Durda P, Cushman M, Bis JC, Zeng D, Lin D, et al. Association of polymorphisms in the CRP gene with circulating C-reactive protein levels and cardiovascular events. JAMA. 2006 ;296(22):2703-11.
Pearte CA, Furberg CD, O'Meara ES, Psaty BM, Kuller L, Powe NR, Manolio T. Characteristics and baseline clinical predictors of future fatal versus nonfatal coronary heart disease events in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Circulation. 2006 ;113(18):2177-85.
Patwardhan AA, Larson MG, Levy D, Benjamin EJ, Leip EP, Keyes MJ, Wang TJ, Gottlieb DJ, Vasan RS. Obstructive sleep apnea and plasma natriuretic peptide levels in a community-based sample. Sleep. 2006 ;29(10):1301-6.
Jenny NS, Arnold AM, Kuller LH, Sharrett AR, Fried LP, Psaty BM, Tracy RP. Soluble intracellular adhesion molecule-1 is associated with cardiovascular disease risk and mortality in older adults. J Thromb Haemost. 2006 ;4(1):107-13.
Gardin JM, Arnold AM, Polak J, Jackson S, Smith V, Gottdiener J. Usefulness of aortic root dimension in persons > or = 65 years of age in predicting heart failure, stroke, cardiovascular mortality, all-cause mortality and acute myocardial infarction (from the Cardiovascular Health Study). Am J Cardiol. 2006 ;97(2):270-5.
